Chapter 11 - I'm Fucked.

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"You need to stop thinking about him and also forget about that hot sex you guys had like come on it's been two months, like there's no way he's still here in New York" I said to Riley as she ate the pancakes that were in front of her.

Right now, Riley is eating breakfast in my apartment with me since she is a lawyer. Even though we try our best to see each other when we have time but since we both have our own thing it's mainly calling each other on the phone to spill some tea or meeting in my apartment or her penthouse for breakfast.

It's kind of a tradition that we created which I'm grateful for because if we didn't meet every morning for breakfast, I will have no idea who I'm gonna tell my interesting boring life to.

"Fuck don't you think I know that!" She said as she pinched the bridge of my nose.

Right now, Riley is telling me about some guy she met at a club two months ago and she's been trying to figure out who he is because she didn't ask for his name or number.

"I mean I get if you forget to ask for his number but  how the fuck did you forget to ask for his name?"

"I don't know okay!"

"So wait what name where you screaming when he fucked u?"


"What? Just trying to help you out." I said to her with a smirk on my face.

"Stop looking at me like that you witch."

"What are you talking about?"

Riley rolled her eyes and ate another pancake.

"But for real though, what name were you screaming?"

I said to her trying not smile.

"I called him...daddy."

She finally said as I couldn't stop laughing.

"I know!!!" She groaned while grabbing the couch pillows and burying her face into them as I continue to laugh.

"Girl, you're so fucked"

"Man, Fuck you! I am a girl with needs ok."

"Ok... daddy." I said while laughing as Riley started hitting me with the pillow.

"Ok! I'm sorry."

"You mean it?"

Before I could answer her, the news reporter story got my attention as I listened to it.

"Aurora-" Riley said as I cut her off by saying "shhh"

"What?" Riley said as I ignored her and grabbed the tv remote to make the volume louder.

" Last night, the billionaire Lorenzo de Luca also known as the CEO of techtack got arrested for abusing his ex-wife and daughter."

"Wait isn't that your high school bully?"


"According to some witnesses, They heard screaming and fighting going on between the ex-wife Valentina Blackstone and Lorenzo de Luca in his penthouse."

"Even though at that moment he got arrested, some people noticed that the ex-wife Valentina Blackstone had bruises on her face."

"Here is a video that the paparazzi and some people took when Valentina Blackstone had buries all over her face."

"This is fucking messed up," Riley said as we both watch the news.

"I know," I said quietly.


Right now it's 12:47 am and I am locking up my restaurant. I sigh as I put the restaurant keys in my black purse.

I slowly turned around as the cool wind blew in my face. I let out a sigh as I looked up at the beautiful night sky.

I began walking on the sidewalk to where Trevor told me to wait for him to pick me up. I know me walking alone at night seems scary since no one is on the street except for the random cars on the road.

Today since the news about Lorenzo being arrested, I can't even stop thinking about him and I know for a fact that he didn't abuse his daughter because the way he treated her when they were at my restaurant isn't something an abusive parent will do.

I don't know about his ex-wife but I know for a fact that something is up even though he might have bullied me in high school and made my life a mess but he will never lay a hand on someone.

Why the fuck am I defending him! He's an asshole who is literally  suing me. So I hope he rots in jail.

I thought to myself as I looked behind me to be aware of my surroundings. But I started to be scared when I saw a black range over that I saw park outside my restaurant a moment ago following right behind me.

I started walking faster but the car was right beside me.

Oh gosh, this is it!

I'm gonna die

Someone help

I started to run but the car stop right in front of me stopping me. The person in the car rolled down the window, I was shocked to see who it was.


"Aurora, I need your help," he says

This bitch.

This bitch

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