Chapter 34 - Vacation

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Lorenzo POV!

Later that day...

"I miss you!" I said to ophelia while kissing her cheeks as she ran to me.

"Do you wanna get some food, I am like literally staving!" Aurora said beside me as we walked out of ophelia's school.

Right now, I am supposed to be at the office working with some clients but I chose to hangout with Aurora & Ophelia instead.

I mean after all the things we have shared such as my dick being inside of her.

I still get butterflies when I am around her and I hate it but at the same time I love that feeling.

Because I think am falling...

Ok snap out of it!

I cleared my throat before answering her as I close the car door once ophelia got inside.

"I would love to." I said to her while earning a small smile from her before she got into the car while doing the same.


"Mamma, non posso semplicemente lasciare il lavoro e venirti a trovare in Italia per una settimana!" (Mom, I can't just leave work and visit you in Italy for a week!")

"E perché no, huh? Non ho nemmeno sentito parlare di te da quando ti sei trasferito a New York. Come cazzo pensi che mi faccia sentire!" ("Why not huh? I haven't even heard from you since you move to New York. How the fuck do you think that makes me feel!")

Right now, its 3am and I am on a call with my mom as she yells at me while I paced back and forth in the kitchen.

"I know ma, I do. It's just that I am busy."

"I don't care! Tomorrow back your packs and come to italy. I want see my granddaughter!"

Before I could even reply my mom hanged up.

"Cazzo" I mumbled as I close my eyes and rubbed my temple while placing my phone on the counter.

The sounds of soft footsteps caught my attention as I slowly turned around to see who was behind me.


Standing there looking at the ground nervously while playing with her gold necklace around her neck.

"Sorry didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was just going to get some water when I heard you talking to someone and I-"

"You don't have to explain yourself. You did nothing wrong." I said softly to her while I watched her calm down.

I couldn't help but find myself captivated by her presence. It seemed as if every time I laid eyes on her, a sense of wonder and admiration enveloped on me.

And I don't fucking know why!

Because tell me why we always find ourselves in the kitchen at 3am just casually dressed in our pajamas.

Aurora started talking unaware on my gaze and thoughts on her.

"So...who got you stress like that?" She said with a nervous laughter.

As I observed her, my mind wandered down the memory lane of our shared history. Back in high school, I know I made a terrible mistake that is haunting me to this day. I had unknowingly caused pain to Aurora, inadvertently becoming a source of anguish in her life. The weight of my actions weighed heavily on my conscience as I watched her looking at me.

Guilt washed over me as I remembered the hurt expression in Aurora's eyes when we met again for the first time in her restuarant.

"What do you mean what the fuck am I doing here?" She said angrily.

I mean I know I was the one that started the fight but I really regret every word that I said to her in anger during our first encounter and in highschool.

Because every time I look at her all I can think about is the action that I have caused her for her to be hurt and distress.

"Lorenzo!" Aurora said while snapping her fingers in front of me as I came out of my trans.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a worry look on her face and this time she standing dangerously close to my face.

I stare at her hazel eyes and back to her juicy pick lips.

As I found myself wanting to kiss her and cry to her and tell her how sorry I am for hurting her.

I found myself not being able to do that. I watched her slowly lick her lips waiting for my next move as I slowly backed away from her.

"Go back to bed Aurora, We are going to italy tomorrow." I said to her as I slowly walked to her and kissed her forehead before leaving her alone in the kitchen.

I felt my hurt aching for her and to turn back around and kiss her but I can't.

Not right now.

Because from now going I will make sure Aurora Diaz is not hurt by me or anyone even if it means I  stay away from her.

For a little longer.

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