Chapter 33 - Gulit

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Lorenzo's POV


Lorenzo sat at his desk, his fingers poised over the keyboard as he stared blankly at the computer screen. Despite his best efforts to focus on his work, his mind kept drifting to Aurora—the girl he couldn't get out of his thoughts.

As he went about his daily tasks, Lorenzo found himself longing for her presence, yearning to hold her, touch her, and feel her warmth against his skin. The weight of regret settled heavily on his chest as memories of their time together in high school flooded his mind.

In those years, Lorenzo had been ignorant and foolish. He had allowed his insecurities to morph into cruelty, and Aurora had borne the brunt of his hurtful actions. He had bullied her; he had made her life a living hell, blinded by his own pain. But time had worked its magic, opening up his eyes to realize the gravity of his actions. Lorenzo had changed, now understanding the damage he had caused.

But guilt wasn't enough. Lorenzo wanted to make amends, to right the wrongs he had committed. He wanted Aurora to know how truly sorry he was and how he had grown into someone who understood the importance of compassion and kindness.

Last night when Lorenzo caught a glimpse of Aurora sleeping after their amazing time they spent together, a pang of remorse mixed with longing shot through his heart. The sight of her made him ache to be close to her again, to hold her and seek her forgiveness.

He knew that mending their broken history wouldn't be easy. Lorenzo would do anything to prove himself worthy of her forgiveness.

Lorenzo yearned for the chance to express his remorse, to show Aurora that the person he once was had transformed into someone who cherished her, respected her, and adored her for all that she was. He dreamed of a day when he could hold her gaze and make her see the sincerity in his eyes, to assure her that he was no longer the same cruel person he had been in their youth.

Every day at work became an internal battle for Lorenzo. He struggled to concentrate on his tasks, distracted by thoughts of Aurora and the pain he had inflicted upon her. And yet, he also clung to a flicker of hope that one day, forgiveness might be within reach.

Lorenzo vowed to work tirelessly, not only on his assignments but also on becoming a better person for her.

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