Chapter 20 - Fresh Start

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It's been a while since I got out of the hospital. Right now I'm at Theo guest room.

You may be wondering how I ended up here. Well, the moment I told the police everything they went to look for Trevor but apparently he ran away.

So in other for me to feel safe I have to live with someone who Trevor doesn't know or know their address.

I wanted to go to Riley but she said she doesn't want me living in her apartment because she think it's unsafe for me.

Which is weird. Considering the fact that Trevor has never been to her house but I brush it off since it's her apartment and her choice.

So Lorenzo volunteer to let me stay at Theo house for the mean time which Theo agreed.

I mean at first I was hesitant but I eventually gave in since they brought me to the hospital.

Last nine months at the hospital.

I lay down on my quietly on my bed as the tears started to fall down my checks. I know I told everyone that I didn't wanna see them when the doctor told me who was outside.

But I can't help feel so alone right now. All of this is my fault if I didn't ask about the hickey, he wouldn't have hurt me. I would have been fine, Trevor and I would have been alright.

I thought as I felt some one enter the room.
I felt myself freeze and soon later saw that it was Lorenzo. Gosh I don't want him in here while I look like this.

"What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up as my eyes went to where the police should have guarded the door but he wasn't standing there.

"Who did this to you?" Lorenzo asked as I stare at his beautiful green eyes.

I can see the worry and the pity in his eyes but i looked down at my fingers playing with it while trying not to cry.

Because I don't want him to see me like some broken little person. At a matter of fact he is the last person I wanna see.

"I said who did this to you?" He asked again angrily as I didn't answer him as I felt tears starting to fall.

"I mean it's not like you care."

He suddenly sat on my bed as I felt his warm hands lift my chin up as he used his thumb to wipe the tears from my eyes while ignoring my statement.

"It's alright you don't have to tell me who did this to you but just so you know no one and I mean no one hurts you and get away with it." He whispered to me.

While staring into my eyes as he slowly move forward and kissed my forehead.

Butterflies filled my stomach as I felt a sense of safety and peace.

Like he's home.

But before he started to leave, With tears falling down from my eyes. I grabbed his arms and told him person that hurt me.

"Trevor, Trevor is the guy who hurt me." soon later he nodded and left.

End of flashback.

Since that day, I have seen this sweet side of Lorenzo that I can't really understand. I mean for a long time I have this thought that we hate each other but I don't know if I do hate him.

I mean yes, he bullied me in highschool but a part of me thinks I should give him a chance but the other part of me doesn't.

Even though he and Theo helped me with everything including helping me close my restaurant, letting me stay here ,therapy and much more.

But some part of me thinks he will hurt me and what he's doing just some pity he has for me.

"Hey, do you wanna watch the vampire dairies?" Theo came into my room well his guest room.

Theo and I has been really close since the hospital in fact he even apologized for what happened to me and highschool.

Of course, I did forgive and we both decided to start over and turns out that we do have some stuff in common.

Yet I find it hard to forgive Lorenzo about the things he said and did to me back in Highschool.

"Yeah, I will be there in a sec." I said to him as he smiled at me before leaving.

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