Chapter 28 - Why?

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"What the fuck?" I said to both of them as they stare right back at me

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"What the fuck?" I said to both of them as they stare right back at me.

"It's so good for you to join us" Riley said as she left Trevor side on the bed not even caring I found them together as she stood right in front of me.

I saw Trevor smiling at me as I felt myself getting angry and disgusted by both of them. I tried my best not to let them see me cry as I try to blink the tears away.

I felt my voice crack as I began talking. "What are you doing?" I said to Riley as she looked back to Trevor as they both started laughing out loud like psychos.

"What do you mean, what am I doing"

"I mean what are you doing with him, you know the guy that literally hurt me!" I said to her as the memories started to come back as I tried not to even look at him.

I close my eyes as a single tear fell down on my face. I know I have been okay like my therapist has really help me to try to not remember what happened months ago but I don't get why I'm crying when I saw him.

I mean yes when it happened I couldn't even get out of bed and with the therapist help and me telling her and crying to her about how I felt everything was alright.

So why the heck is my heart hurting?

"Aww are you crying?"

Trevor said as he came and stood next to riley in front of me. He was gonna use his hands to wipe my tears away but something inside me snap as I slap the living daylights out of him.

I heard a gasp from riley as He place his hands on his cheek and looked at me angrily. He was about to do something but riley stop him by holding his arm.

"Babe, stop she's not even worth it" she said as she stood in front of him while she kissed him.

I looked away as I was so disgusted by both of them. I mean how could she even date him after all the pain I was in and all the sleepless night of the nightmares like how could she?

"Gosh, you both disgust me!" I said to both of them as tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"We disgust you, oh sweetie this just the beginning" Riley said as she turn around and stood right in front of me.

"Why would you do this? I really thought you are my best friend"

"Best friend? God, you're so full of shit!"

"What have I even done to you, I mean why would you even be with him and touch him knowing what he did to me like how could you!"



"I hate you so much like  the moment I started to hate you so much is when you started to lose weight.

I mean yeah I help you but when I realized men always come and ask your number but not mine gosh I felt so jealous, I even change myself to look pretty but no one will look at me but with you without even trying you got everybody's attention.

Then when we both graduated from university, I thought everything was alright but then you met him." She said as she pointed to Trevor.

"God, when you first introduced him to me I wanted him like I was so confused how a guy like him could be with a girl like you. I began to lose it when you got your dream successful job, your money even a hot guy."

she started to walk around me while Trevor stood infront of smirking. "That's when I decided I am gonna make your life miserable."

"Let me guess, you are the girl who gave him hickeys am I right?

"Oh yeah but honey that's not all, In matter of fact he was cheating on you with me while you guys were dating this whole time am I right sweetheart?"

She said as she turned around to look at Trevor who was already smiling at her.

"That's right"

"Gosh, you both disgust me and as for you Trevor I'm not even surprised."

"Shut up!" Trevor said as he threw a glass on the ground making me flinch.

"You wanna know something," Riley began to speak "I am so glad you he hurt you and thank you Trevor so much for hurting her, I really hope you enjoyed it because I would have-"

She didn't even get to finish the sentence as I slap her across her face. "You are the most disgusting person I ever met and gosh stupid me really thought you were my friend. And don't you dare say those to me ever again because if you do I will kill you with my bare hands, both of you.  Mark my fucking word."

I said to her with tears in my eyes as both Trevor and Riley started to laugh. I felt disgusted by both of them as they both laughed at me. I don't know why but I started to cry as I felt weak in front of them.

I was crying so hard that I didn't even realize someone was behind me. I felt something hard hit my head as I felt to the ground.

The last thing I saw was Trevor smirking at me before everything went black.

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