Chapter 15 - No please!

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Right now, Theo and I are sitting in his living playing games on his tv as we ate some pepperoni pizza that we ordered not so long ago.

Theo decided to skip working today and stay with me even though I insisted for him to go but he wouldn't listen.

"Turn left" I said to Theo as he did exactly what I just said. This is the most time I have spent with Theo since my business, drama basically everything.

"Ahh shit" he said as he lost the game making me the winner again.

"Yes!" I say

"How the fuck are you still good at this game if you haven't even play in forever?"

"You know what they say-" I said as he cut me off by continuing.

"Winners never share how they win" he said in a mockery tone as we both chuckled.

I am so glad Theo has help me forget about everything that happened in the last hours which I'm grateful for but my mind can't seem to stop worrying if ophelia is ok.

I think Theo could have sense my mood change so he place his hands and said, "everything is going to be ok"

I nodded knowing that everything isn't going to be ok. I decided to change the topic by asking how Theo is doing.

"How's rehab?"


I know sometimes he doesn't like it when I asked questions about his addiction and rehab but sometimes I can't help but to ask because I can't help but feel like I always talk about me and my problems but not questions about how he is.

"Is that a question or an answer?" I said to him while looking at him but he is pretending to watch the tv.

He didn't answer as he decided to change the topic. "Why didn't you thank Aurora earlier?"

And there was the person that I'm trying so hard not to think about and there goes him talking about her.

"No, don't change-"

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