Chapter 4 - Why me?18+

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I sighed as I end the facetime call with Trevor

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I sighed as I end the facetime call with Trevor. Trevor Smith is my boyfriend. He's a successful surgeon here in new york.

Right now it's the middle of the night and I can't sleep that's the reason why I called Trevor but unfortunately, he told me he has to go to bed because he has an important surgery on someone tomorrow and he needs to get his beauty sleep.

Of course, when he said that I apologized for disturbing him before ending the call. I mean Trevor is a great boyfriend and I'm not gonna stop him from chasing his dream but sometimes I feel like he doesn't want me anymore.

I mean sex is great and all but every time I ask him if he wanna hang out or spend some alone time together, he just has so many excuses and he's always at my apartment if he is feeling horny. Of course, I have told him but he always finds a way to make it about himself and I hate it because I love him and I don't wanna lose him.

I opened my eyes and close them again because my mind wouldn't shut off. I lay on my back as thoughts of what happened today came rushing back.

The fight with Lorenzo, his daughter, theo, and what he whispered in my ear.

Fuck! What he whispered in my ear. I thought as I felt wetness from pussy.

No, stop thinking about him. He's an asshole who bullied you and made fun of you like you shouldn't feel horny just thinking about him.

Yeah, you're right, He is a bad annoying sexy person that we hate let's think about Trevor fucking me how about that.

umm, who's we? bitch how about we forget about Trevor fucking you, cause you know how bad he is in bed.

"Shut up!" I mumbled as I opened my eyes still laying on my back as I stare at my apartment ceiling.

I breathe in and out three times before closing my eyes again hoping the thought of Lorenzo will get out of my head.

After a while, the thoughts of Lorenzo wouldn't turn off, and neither would my body. I slowly gave up as I slide my hands into my sleep shorts as the thoughts of Lorenzo fucking me and eating me out in my bed filled my mind.


Right now, It's 8:45 am and I'm eating my breakfast while I watch the news. In a couple of hours, I have to go to work. I decided not to think about what I did last night because that was wrong.

So fucking wrong!

I mean I feel terrible for what I did but at the same time, I cant stop thinking about Lorenzo. Some part of me wants to kill that bastard for what he did to me in high school and some part of me wants me to forgive him and start over.

But the truth is I can't.


"Hey, Everyone look at the pig," Lorenzo said as he pointed at me making everyone in the cafeteria laugh.

"Gosh, I will be pretty embarrassed if I ever look like you," Ava said while sitting on Lorenzo's lap as everyone continued to laugh at me.

Ava is the captain of the cheerleader team, Lorenzo is the captain of the football team and also the popular guy in school.

" At this point, I think it will be better if you lose some weight or..." Lorenzo said as some dude that was sitting next to theo said " Or maybe you can kill yourself".

He said as everyone laughed but I notice that Lorenzo didn't laugh.

At that point, I didn't care about anyone as I let my tears fall down my cheeks. I locked eyes with Lorenzo for a couple of seconds as I stood up picked up my stuff and run away from people.

Gosh, I hate this school.


I wipe the tears that I didn't know was on my face as I try to not remember high school and the past.

A couple while later as I was about to eat the amazing toasted bread that I made, I heard a knock on my apartment door.

I drop my bread onto the white plate that was in front of me as I stood up walking to the door wondering who the heck it might be.

I took a huge deep breath before opening the door.

Why the fuck I'm I nervous?

I slowly opened the door as my best friend Riley screamed "Boo!" making me flinch.

"Dude what the fuck." I said as I place my hand on my chest.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry," She said while laughing as she walked inside my apartment. " I thought it will be fun if I did that"

"Well, it's not," I said as I close the door

"Girl,what got you in a bad mood,"

Riley walked inside my kitchen island and place her black mini Gucci bag on the kitchen counter while she sat on the kitchen stool.

Riley and I have known eachother since we where in universty. She was my roomate and at that time she was taking law while my major was bussiness.

"Leorenzo fucking did" I mubbled as I made my way to where I was eating my bread.

"Oh shit, wait isnt he your high school bully?"

When I first started universty here in new york, I was sacred about my weight and my roommate not liking me but when I met riley she accpected me just the way I was which lead us been bestfriends and she even helped me lose some weight in a healthy way.

Of course, I told her evrything about highschool and leorenzo but she did accpetcted me and to be honest she is the best fucking friend ever.

"Yep" I said popping the p while having a bite of my bread.

"Well girl, spill the tea."

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