20. beaujolais

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"You know I can't-"

"But you already have," she hummed looking once over her shoulder at the way we had come.

that's not the same- i'll prove a point and come back

i left a lot behind

i'll have to come back to grab it at some point

and i assume that ill make up with my father

for a little bit at least

"I'll be back eventually."

"Sure, if you want," Ymir frowned slightly. "That doesn't sit right with me, not that it matters much to you."


"Even if I did want to leave, what am I supposed to do? I don't have any way of preventing them from getting me later and I don't have anywhere to stay."

no use dreaming about it

the best i can do is work by his terms and carve out a life of my own

that's what i've been working towards

"Says who?" Ymir stopped in her tracks, a serious look on her face.


"You've got a way of preventing them from getting you- me," she gestured to herself, "and you've got a place to stay." She pointed towards the harbor, "my boat."


"You want me there?"

i don't know if i belong-

"Well I don't want you in that house, I don't trust your father to not lock you back up again and I'm not comfortable leaving you to keep on playing games made by your abuser."


"Shh- I don't want to hear it," she placed a finger over my lips. "It's admirable that you want to prove yourself, but you're being forced to do that. Run. Away."

"With you?"

"Who else?" Her frown deepened, "look I'm not forcing you to do anything, if you want to continue to prove yourself go for it, I just can't leave you in that house without feeling guilty."

"Are you mad for me?"

"What else- of course I'm mad- look I didn't like the guy before but your father is a total asshole-"

"More than that."

"More than that," Ymir took my hand into hers, "I'm all for you proving a point and becoming wildly successful maybe from a room on my ship."

"Sounds like you want me all to yourself," I squeezed her hand back, shooting her a small smile.

i can make levi and erwin get the things i left

"Sure thing Princess," Ymir laughed, whacking me lightly on the head.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

i mean you're just making enemies for yourself

that's bad business

she has to know that

"You're acting like it's marriage or something," she chuckled, "if I get really annoyed with you I'll just have you work with Eren and Jean, that's punishment enough."

sure you aren't planning on throwing me overboard?

"Maybe I'll just go back," I muttered sarcastically.

"Not so fast, I'm kidnapping you, you don't get to walk back that easily," she threw me over her shoulder in one swift fluid movement.

maybe we are newlyweds

"My father is definitely going to come after you," I frowned, shifting awkwardly to become comfortable, "what's the plan?"



"Please tell me you have a plan?"

"Relax- it'll all work out."

you don't have a plan

"We're screwed."

ymir is powerful but my father has powerful allies-

not to mention

ymir isn't exactly a saint, there are several people that would jump at this opportunity to get rid of her

"I left a note in your room, it looks like you've decided to elope, he'll be mad but it's not like i left a ransom note in your bedroom."

who am i eloping with-



"Am I eloping with you?"

"Officially you are leaving to pursue your future in the arms of your lover, unnamed to protect the identity of this mystery individual."

"I see."

they'll just assume its her

better ymir than someone else from her crew

not that they can't handle themselves- just that i really don't know them so it would be uncomfortable

"Would you have preferred a name?"

"No not at all-"

then why ask?

"Just in case I have to suddenly pretend to be madly in love with someone."


"It would be creepy as hell if someone from my crew volunteered themselves," Ymir scoffed.

you calling me ugly...

"I like to think that I'm just that charming," I murmured sarcastically, tension releasing from my body as I relaxed into her hold.

"Sure thing."


"When we get back I'll see to getting you a space to stay, for the time being you might have to crash in the office," Ymir spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between the two of us.

"There isn't another space?"

"Not unless you want to bunk with Jean."


"Point taken," I recalled the way that Ymir had looked the other day when I came to get her in the morning, "are you sure you'll be ok with that? I mean you probably want a little more privacy-"

i can't imagine she's willing to part with that part of her lifestyle

"I don't mind sharing my space with a pretty lady, relax, it won't be for that long anyway."

"Alright, I don't want to inconvenience you."

seriously- i owe you that much

"You're not an inconvenience Y/N, you're a member of my crew."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."


today was rlly busy for me so im kinda exhausted but it snowed so it's super pretty outside rn <3

- ami

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