24. gamay

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"Y/N?" Petra called out, her voice followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.


"You bi-" the taller of the two men whirled around, grabbing Petra in one fluid movement.

"Shut the fuck up," the shorter one reached for me, grabbing me by my arm and twisting it.


"You're going to regret this," I tugged at my arm, trying to pull closer to the door.

"Not so fast, miss," the man holding Petra grumbled. A hand covered her mouth, silencing her as she struggled in his grasp.

"THEY'R-" I went to shout again, cut off as a large gloved hand covered my mouth.

where is ymir?

"I don't know who you're shouting for but no one is coming," he whispered in my ear. "Bring the other girl."

im sorry petra

She looked back at me, her eyes wide with fear.

i got too confident

"Not so fast," a familiar voice called out from the back of the shop.


"Who-" the man holding Petra whirled around, moving enough for me to see the figure behind him.

"I don't think I owe my name to someone who's trying to kidnap two ladies," she hummed, her hand firmly placed on the hilt of her sword at her side.

"How much do you want?" the man holding me sighed, loosening his hold on me a bit.

"To ignore this? No offense but neither of you look like you have that sum," she sighed, winking at me.

don't even joke about accepting money

"Our employer is a wealthy man."

"Oh I'm quite aware," Ymir hopped over the shop counter, walking towards the middle of the store.

"So? How much do you want?"

"I want you to release these two women and move on with your lives," she paused. "Do you know who I am?"

i think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't know who you are in this town

"You're the Captain," he paused, irritation clear in his tone. "You may have a reputation but you're no match for the two of us, just take the money and go."

"So you do know who I am," Ymir chuckled darkly. "You should also know then that the lovely lady you're holding is with me, I would appreciate it if you returned her."

"I'm not sure what she told you but this girl ran away from her father to elope with some man," he sneered in her direction.

is that what he thinks?

im a little insulted

i ran away with some woman

"Hey asshole," I grumbled, bringing my heel down on his foot, causing him to yelp and let go of me for a second. "I didn't just run away to elope with 'some man.'" I ran towards Ymir, escaping his grasp.

"My apologies," he rolled his eyes, unphased.

right it's still two against one

"You alright?" Ymir whispered into my ear.

"I'm fine, but Petra-"


"What do you think you're whispering about?"

"Oh right, you're still here," Ymir sighed, addressing the two of them again. "See you had it right when you said that she eloped, you've misidentified who it was with."

"Why would that matter?"

"Unfortunately for you, I'm 'some man.'"

"Stop lying."

"No seriously," she drew her blade, "and quite frankly I'm not in the mood to let you insult my name and get away with it."

"Really?" He looked over at me, his frown deepening.

"Yes really."

so my father didn't connect the dots? or was he just withholding this information?

"Come on, let's get this over with," Ymir sighed, readying her stance.

but petra-

"Ymir- Petra is a friend, don't hurt her," I whispered into her ear, eyes never leaving the men in front of me.

"Yeah yeah, relax I'll save your friend, you just sit back and look pretty."

"Be careful," I eyed the man holding Petra, looking him over for any weapons.

if they threaten to hurt her-

"Well? Which one of you first, I know for a fact you're only after Y/N, I'd hate to waste our entire afternoon standing here arguing with each other." Ymir taunted, pointing her blade at the two of them.

"Both." The man holding Petra released her, lunging forward as the man who had grabbed me came for Ymir from her other side.

"Shame on me for believing that you two wouldn't gang up on a woman," Ymir's grin widened. "Although, I hate to ruin your fun but you've just released the one thing you had over me." She gestured to Petra who though shaken was racing for the back door.


"That's not an issue," they quickly brushed her off.

"Well then, I'll wrap this up quickly, I doubt either of us want to have to explain to the guard why we're here," she dodged both of their blows, fighting them off with one hand as she began to push me towards the back door.

"You'll have to deal with the guard, our employer promised to-"

"Do you seriously think my father is going to do that?" I almost burst out laughing despite the tense situation.

no way my father is going to stick his neck out for two people who can't even get a job done

"Oh well don't crush their hope Y/N," Ymir continued her teasing, making sure I was safely out of their reach.


"That's enough playing games, close your eyes princess," she whispered the last part to me before giving me one final shove into the back room."

everything went dark


i went thrifting today so im rlly tired but i got a bunch of cute dresses <3

- ami

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