47. chenin blanc

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"When can we get back? I have some people I should start talking to immediately if we want to set this up," I stood up, pacing around the deck.

first things first i need to get funding

"Oh," Ymir paused, frowning a little. "I have some things to take care of- and weren't we supposed to be doing this trial thing?"

i don't see how that's an issue

"Don't worry I haven't forgotten-" I beamed at her. "There's no issue with doing these things simultaneously right?"

"No- well- I guess not," Ymir seemed a little discouraged.


"I can put it off if you want- I just thought that it would be smart to contact people as soon as possible- I don't know what anyone has coming up anymore."

she seems hurt

"Don't worry about it, our business can be wrapped up quickly, this is more important."

are you sure?

"Ok- if you're fine with that."

you should tell me if you don't want me to do something

im indebted to you

i want to know if i'm pushing for something you aren't a fan of

"Ymir," I turned to her. "You know if you ever have a problem with something I'm doing you can just say it right? I know I can be a little pushy sometimes so if you're genuinely uncomfortable with something- forget my feelings and just say it."

i'm usually only upset with people for a couple hours anyway

lord knows i would've run away years ago

maybe i should be a little less forgiving sometimes

"I don't want to be an asshole," she grumbled, picking at her nails. "I care about you Y/N- it'll be hard to just forget your feelings."

"I promise I won't drop you over something like that."

if you can't properly communicate your concerns or boundaries because of me that's a problem

that means we shouldn't be together

i'm serious about that

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Well-" she hesitated, "should I trust you?"

"I hope you already do."

i mean- you're into me but you can't trust me ??

that's super unhealthy


Our conversation petered off, a comfortable silence falling between the two of us as we watched the sun slowly make it's way into the sky.

you know

ymir- clearly has a lot that she isn't talking about

and it's fine but

she keeps on dancing around it as if she wants to talk about it but isn't sure how to start

is she worried about my reaction?

"Good morning," Historia was the first person up after us, waving and coming to join the two of us by our stack of crates. "You're not usually up this early," Historia frowned at Ymir.

maybe historia would know

"I was a little cold," Ymir glanced down at me. "Why are you up?"

the two of them have known each other for awhile so-

"Y/N?" She repeated, startling me out of my thoughts.
"Yes? What?"

"I was wondering why you woke up so early."


"I just had a lot on my mind- I haven't really had a chance to sit and think about things since we had to make our emergency exit."

to be honest i have a lot more to think about

that isn't going to stop


"Did I interrupt you?"

"No not really- I had reached a dead end anyway," I hummed. "I was just staring at the ocean."

it's a little bit lonely isn't it

"Looks like smooth sailing today," Ymir muttered surveying the clouds on the horizon. "Too bad we're stuck here for all this good weather."

i wonder about the way you talk about the ocean

is she your lover?

could you ever leave it?

"I don't think I ever got the chance to be on deck while the ship was moving."

i'm excited

"Surely you've been on a moving boat before?"

"Uh-" I paused, "I've been on smaller sailboats and rowboats before?"

but that's different

"Your father deprived you of all the joys of life," Ymir muttered bitterly, "you make me want to push up our departure."

don't feel pressured

"We have a couple more things to do in town but there's no reason why they can't be rushed," Historia beamed at the two of us. "Ymir if you have any private business you want to take care of Armin and I are more than capable of restocking."

is she suggesting that we-

"I won't say no to that," Ymir grinned turning to me. "This isn't very romantic but-"

"Since when were you romantic," I teased, poking her in the side.

"I'm incredibly romantic what do you mean?"

"Oh yes- because drunkenly sweeping me off of my feet and running out of a restaurant is the definition of romantic," I couldn't help but laugh at the memory.

"It was quite the scene," Historia chuckled, "I was surprised you made it back home."


"I wasn't that bad," Ymir muttered, clearly flustered.

oh but you were

"Apparently drinking has altered your memory significantly."

"I remember all-" she paused, thinking. "Most of it, I remember most of it."

"It's a shame- we did a lot last night," I lied winking at her.

"No way- I definitely would've remembered if we did something," she stared at me her mouth agape. "I can't believe I forgot."


"I'm just teasing you," I stuck my tongue out at her. "You passed out as soon as we got back."

"You're a devil."

"Yeah yeah, were you going to finish asking me out?"

"It's your fault that I got distracted."

"My answer is yes, when do we go?"




- ami

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