61. châteauneuf-du-Pape

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"I see the two of you got busy," Hitch gave the two of us a long look before turning back to her drink.

"That's one way to put it," I nodded.

"Oh thank god, I was worried that we were going to have to deal with a depressed Ymir," Armin, beamed at the two of us. "I'm happy for you Y/N."

"Hey! What about me? I'm your Captain-"

"Shhh Ymir he just loves me more, get over it."

"Ugh," she grumbled, hiding her head in the crook of my neck, "you're the only one who really loves me."

"That's not true and you know it."

"Armin, I think you were congratulating Y/N prematurely, she has to put up with our Captain now, that's more like a curse," Hitch grumbled, watching this scene play out.


"We're all here for you Y/N," Historia shot me a reassuring look.

this is NOT what i want to hear right now

"You know you could all just lie to me and tell me how happy you are-"

"We care about you more than that," Mikasa, who had been quiet until now, spoke up.


"You're all horrible," Ymir continued to whine, "Y/N- the two of us should run away."

"You don't actually want that," I nudged her a little, "everyone is just teasing, you know that."

"Coddle me."

"I can do that regardless of whether or not people are giving you a hard time."

"Everyone go back to what you were doing, Y/N and I are going inside," Ymir abruptly ordered everyone.

"What are we even going to do-"

"I think she wants to be coddled in private," Jean muttered, nudging the two of us away.

so demanding

"Don't wear me out, Ymir, I don't want you to get bored of me."

"There's no way that would happen. Besides, we don't know how soon we'll be in different places, I don't want to waste all of my time," she began leading me to her quarters. "We should make the absolute most of all of the time we have, I want to only think fondly of you when I'm away."

"Alright- is there anything in particular you'd like to do?"

"There are a lot of things," she held the door open for me, ushering me through, "dates, gifts, house hunting-"

"House hunting? That might be taking it a bit too fast-"

"Where are you going to stay then? You aren't expecting to go back to your father right?" Ymir's frown deepened, "I don't think I would feel safe leaving you there again."

i guess she's right

if i go back home i might just get locked up again

but i don't want to be that reliant on ymir

"You look upset about it," she turned my face towards hers. "You're supposed to smile and start talking about the decorations."


"I'm happy but I don't feel comfortable relying on you for everything like that," I grumbled, "I mean, I'm already accepting so much from you."

"For the last time, I don't care about any of that, you're currently helping me establish a business and-" she stared at me for a second, her gaze softening, "-and I love you."

"I love you too but-"

"Dear lord."

"But I really don't want to take advantage of your generosity-"

"Weren't you the one who wanted to be home for me? I want to make a home with you Y/N."


"Now I feel like a total asshole."

"Accept this Y/N."

"What if-"

"No 'what ifs' I want to give you something," she hesitated. "I'm already asking a lot of you to be with someone like me who's going to be away for so long, so at least let me do that."

she's hard to argue with

"Then- can I give you something in return?"

"You really don't need to, but if you'd like I won't argue."

"Thank you," I paused for a minute, thinking, "let me figure it out, I'll give it to you later."

"I'm glad we figured that out," Ymir hummed, "I look forward to whatever it is."

truthfully there are only a few things i can really offer to her

i didn't get a chance to grab any valuables when i left

but maybe i should've

even now the most valuable thing that i have is my last name

there are a few other things-

"Come to think of it- why haven't you ever struck an exclusive partnership with anyone?"

at the very least you would have more resources

"It's a little boring isn't it? I want the freedom to go anywhere I choose, if I agree to some contract I'd have to follow the whims of some asshole."

that makes sense

"You've never even considered it?"

"On the off chance that someone agreed to a long list of conditions, maybe."

"I wonder if we could find someone like that," I trailed off into thought.

it would have to be someone already established

having a sponsor wouldn't be a bad idea

in another lifetime i could be that person- but alas

"What are you thinking about?"

"Finding someone to sponsor your business ventures."

"Ah- I thought you were setting everything up?"

"I am but-"

it would be easier if we had someone backing it to begin with

"Well don't worry about it, I happen to know a couple of rich people with nothing better to put their money behind."

"Thank you for putting so much work into this Y/N, I mean it."

"It's the least I can do."

"Don't talk down on your achievements."

"I'll try."


hiii everyone! i'm going on a trip to asia for a few weeks- I'll try to update normally but I'm going to be busy visiting family and I won't be able to write as much as normal. updates will return to normal when I return but I'm looking forward to taking it easy for a bit.

tysm for being understanding ilu

- ami

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