64. antitori

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"There she is-" Ymir pointed to a small dot on the horizon.


"Trost, your home," Ymir handed me a spyglass, guiding me in the right direction. "Feels like it's been awhile doesn't it?"

it does

"You're right," I recounted the days in my head, "a lot has changed."

"That's for sure," she laughed loudly, "I hope the rest of the world is ready for it."

"They'd better be."

i'm not waiting for anyone

"Do you think we'll be arrested as soon as we return?" I murmured. As we got closer I could begin to see other ships pulling into the harbor.

"'Course not, we'll clear our names and everything will return to normal."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Well-" she hesitated, "I've cleared my name in worse situations."

so there's no guarantee

"Let's try and meet up with Levi and Erwin as soon as we land, they can help if anything goes wrong."

"Alright, I wanted to talk to those friends of yours anyway."




"Hopefully they don't overreact," I muttered to myself, looking over the edge of the ship at the glittering water. "If they do, we should run."

"Now why would that ever happen? They should be happy, you're finally living life."

oh well-

"Something tells me that they're going to start questioning my life choices more than they already have."

i can't tell ymir that i'm worried she might get interrogated before we can even talk to my father

"I'm a wonderful life choice," Ymir pouted, "I'll win them over in no time."

"You do have irresistible charm," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Of course, I won you over didn't I?"

"True," I sighed loudly, glancing over at the city steadily coming further into view, "I'm worrying too much."

"If anything I should be the nervous one."

"Don't be."

"Well then, stop worrying on my behalf," she paused, "let's get lunch after we meet your friends, your father can wait."

"Shall we continue to put it off until the very last second?"

"Oh darling, I don't plan on speaking to him until he's desperate."

"Captain!" Jean called up at the two of us, "we'll be docking soon, do you have all of the documents?"

"Well, that's my cue," Ymir sighed loudly, embracing me quickly before darting down to the lower deck.

that just leaves me to stew over my rapidly approaching confrontation

how long ago was i one of those people standing on the dock watching as ships pulled in and out of the harbor

and now im aboard the very vessel i was straining to catch a glimpse of

As the harbor came further into view I scanned the busy docks looking for any sign of my father.

nothing- thank god

My gaze wandered past the busy docks, up the winding streets until it landed on the stone walls of my house and the large window that my bedroom lay behind.

i wonder if he's watching from there

what makes you think he cares that much?

there's a weird part of me that wants him to care that much- that wants him to care as much as i do

i find a similar feeling washes over me when i think about erwin, levi and mike

have they returned to their lives as normal or do they stare out the window at endless expanses of ocean looking for this boat

for all they know i'll never return

is it wrong of me to want to be chased after?

I could hear the clamor of the port now, somewhere in the crowd I could've sworn I heard Connie shouting loudly at another dockhand.


where should I take Ymir out for lunch?

it'll have to be something on the quieter side-

"Y/N- do you know where Ymir went?" Armin wandered over to me, glancing around the ship as he walked.


"I don't- wasn't she talking to Jean just a second ago?"

"She was but-" he trailed off, massaging his temple, "she probably went into her quarters, it's alright."

"Are you sure? I can look for her if you want- what were you wondering about?"

"Well- I was wondering how long we would be docking, if we're staying a while there are some things I should handle."

"Oh," I paused, thinking it over. "I don't know if I'll be able to settle everything quickly, but I won't hold Ymir back if she wants to leave before then, I'll ask her later."

how long will everything take?

"Is that Lady Y/N I see?" A familiar energetic voice called up to me, reminding me how close we were to the docks now.

"Connie! You know you don't have to call me that now right?"

"You're back!" The dockhand grinned back up at me, "and clearly not kidnapped."

"Is that what they were saying?"

"Well- that's what they tried to say," he scoffed. "We didn't believe it for a second!"

"Who is we?" Ymir called out from behind us.

"Whoa-" Connie gaped at something I couldn't see.

what- does she look weird or something?

"What are you- huh-" Armin turned around to look at Ymir, gaping.


"There's nothing wrong with me, act normal," Ymir hissed out, I could picture her expression in vivid detail.

what is going on

"Do you have a huge black eye or something? Why is everyone so shocked-" I whirled around, my voice stopping in my throat.

she's gorgeous


"Oh Ymir," I murmured, my eyes taking in the full beauty of the dress, "I didn't think you actually would."

"Well-" she glanced nervously to the side, a fierce blush taking over her features. "I figured I could try."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," she smiled sheepishly over at me.

"I really like this."

"I can tell."

"Shall we?" I offered her my arm.

"I don't look ridiculous do I?"


"Well- everyone is staring."

"You look gorgeous, it's a shame no one saw that before."



- ami

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