22. dornfelder

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I didn't bother trying to force myself to stay awake, as soon as Ymir left the room I felt my exhaustion set in, falling asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Maybe it was because of the gentle rocking of the boat, or maybe it was a result of all my prior exhaustion finally catching up to me but I slept largely uninterrupted.

I didn't even notice when Ymir came back, if she had at all, by the time I woke up she was nowhere to be found.

well i mean-

she's probably outside

... for the sake of my narrative stop pointing things out

I stretched, pulling a shawl I brought with me around my shoulders as I left her room, peering into the office.


From outside I could hear the crew moving around, Jean and Eren bickering over something stupid, Hitch idly chatting with Mikasa and Armin and Historia engaged in passionate conversation about something logistical.

they all got back safely

i didn't stay up to check

maybe i should've

I got ready quickly, pulling on yesterday's clothes before rushing to join the rest of them on the deck.

"Sleeping beauty wakes," Ymir called out to me as I stepped outside, blinking against the sun.

i slept later than i thought

"Thank you for that," I glanced around at the crew, loading crates onto the ship. "Are you leaving?"

"Well," Ymir has walked over to join me, "we were planning on leaving at some point, those plans have just been... accelerated."


"Then where will you be going next?"

"To Sina to finalize a deal and then right back," she frowned slightly. "And you've got it wrong, we are going, if what we were talking about last night stands."

i think so

"Ok so Sina and then back here, is that really enough time for everything to blow over?"

won't it just make it worse

"It's enough time to make it so they can't do anything, what? Do you want to leave for longer?"

no not really-

"My home is here-"

not in that house, but this city is full of people that i care about

i couldn't leave for that long

there's still a lot i want to do here

"Thought so," she hummed. "So? What are you waiting for, let's go do some shopping while these losers finish loading the boat."

you're crazy

"I'm going to force you into a dress if it's the last thing I do."

"I'd like to see you try."

oh don't worry- it's going to happen

"Alright, that's everything," Ymir finished paying a clerk for a couple practical outfits, handing me the pile of clothes, "let's head back."

UH NO ???

"I feel like you're forgetting something important," I grabbed her wrist, preventing her from continuing back away from the shops, "Ymir, you promised."


"I'm not going to wear it there's no point," she brushed me off. "Besides, we have to get back before someone comes to drag you back."


if you were really worried about that you would've sent someone to get the clothes for us

you wouldn't have let me go

"Yeah about that, why hasn't anyone come to drag me back?"

"Maybe they haven't noticed yet," Ymir shrugged. "More likely than not it's a pride thing, they'd rather get you back silently than draw attention to the fact that you were taken right under their noses. When they get fed up with that they'll start printing wanted posters, we'll have jumped town by then."

i mean i can always issue a statement

i left willingly

no need for ymir and her crew to be the bad guys

"If that's the case, surely we have the time to stop by one store," I gestured to a nearby shop window.


"Where would I wear it?" Ymir continued to protest.

"You're the one who promised to go somewhere nice with me, remember?"

you agreed to visiting a nice restaurant with me

i want to show you that sort of thing

i want you to understand my world- and i want to understand yours

"Alright, fine, one outfit," she finally gave in, "no promises that I'll wear it."


"You'll like it," I hummed, pulling her down the street, "I promise."

a suit would suit her best but i swear i saw something down here the other day

The dress in question was long and form-fitting with short sleeves. The material was black but hundreds of tiny red and gold jewels ran up the skirt and part of the bodice. It was flashy- but not overly feminine, something that would show off Ymir's muscles.

this is entirely selfish on my part

but i desperately want to see ymir in something like this

i mean- i know she has muscle but-

The plain practical clothes that she wore on a daily basis left much to be desired, regardless of how impeccably they fit her aesthetic.


"Ymir you have formal clothes don't you?" I asked as we neared the store I had been thinking of.

"Only because the crew insisted."

by that she probably means historia or armin i can't see anyone else caring all that much

"Do you have a-" I trailed off, "pirate hat?"

"You mean one of those stupid-looking ones with a huge feather in them?"



"Of course I do."



"Alright then, hurry up and go dress shopping, I'll wait out here." She pointed to the aforementioned store.

"Oh, you aren't coming in?"

"I'll wait here."


i wanted to go with you


my vacation has started <3 i have so much time to write this story now (:

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