52. vin santo

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"You know part of me legitimately thought we would step into a random house and you would introduce me to some distantly related relative," I murmured, sitting on a bench with Ymir. "Not an empty square."

"Unfortunately for you- no distantly related relatives have come to claim me," she chuckled. "Aside from hidden places like this, and aboard the ship I'm not sure if I can take you to many places where everyone likes me."

are we sure that everyone likes you on the ship-

"Your world is so complicated."

"The same can be said about yours."

"Oh not really- if you're a woman you just get to sit back and let people tell you what to do."

to be totally honest i didn't mind my cushy life at all

i just didn't like feeling like i only had one option

because i knew that i didn't

"That's not really living."

"It's the moments of freedom in between that count."

i'm not saying that it was wonderful

but it was definitely easier than everything she went through

its own kind of difficult

"It's not like being a woman was any easier for you," I shrugged, "it's the same everywhere just in different capacities."

what were we talking about again?

"All that stuff is depressing when you really get into it- and besides you're an example of someone pushing back- I admire that."

ymir carved her own path

"I'm not sure if I've ever thought of anything that I've done as revolutionary-" Ymir shrugged. "I'm just trying to make the most of myself."

let me hype you up

"I think that's revolutionary."

"You romanticize it too much," she flicked me gently. "I'd say you running away from your home was pretty revolutionary."

"Unlike you, I'm not afraid to hype myself up- it was revolutionary."

i do miss home

a lot

but it had to be done

"I support your revolution, it's fun."

"I support yours- it feels a little bit more important."

"Shouldn't you care about the shit that you're doing a little bit more than my shit?"

"Your shit is keeping me alive, I'd be a fool to not care about it."

i mean i DO care about my shit

"Alright," our conversation fell into a lull.


"Will you tell me about your brother?" Ymir muttered absentmindedly.


"What do you want to know?"

"What kind of person is going to take over if I have to kill your bastard father."




"You never know-"

"Now I'm worried about telling you what kind of person my brother is-"

"Nono- I didn't mean it- please tell me."

"Well- he's an interesting person," I paused, collecting my thoughts. "I've always liked him."

how to explain

"He's always been very quiet- you know Erwin and Levi can be pretty chatty, even though Levi is a bit of an asshole about it and Erwin cares a little bit too much about the rules."

sometimes i wonder if he ever felt overwhelmed by the rest of us

"We're both adopted- I'm not blood-related to him," I murmured. "Despite that, I always felt like we were family."

"He seems nice."

"He is, our father sent him off to boarding school a couple years ago, I only see him on breaks now."

we send letters but that's different

"Do you miss him?"

"I miss everyone, it's all the same."

i never had the chance to thank levi and erwin before we left

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault- it isn't like I'm going to stay away for forever anyway."

"Right," Ymir seemed to frown a little, her gaze trained on the ground.

"Anyway- Mike is a good person, nothing like my father."

aside from maybe work ethic

"That's a good thing."

"That being said please don't kill anyone because you want him to take over," I paused. "I don't think that he's ready for that."

and i would be upset- we both would

"Oh don't worry I'm not planning on it. That being said, the moment you say the word I'll get someone to start on it."

"Don't want to do it yourself?"

"Do I look like a murderer?"

"You look like someone that has thought about it."

"Says you-"

"What are you suggesting?"

"That you've definitely thought about doing something like that before," she teased, poking my side.

"Occasionally I have debated how much I would really be losing if I shoved Levi Ackerman off a cliff."

"See? I know you."

"You do."

"I'm not interested in killing anyone like that myself, I'm not interested in killing much at all."

"So you'd prefer to use a third party?"

"Who said I trust a third party?"

"I'll just ask Mikasa and Eren to do it- they're freaks."


"Eren I can see but Mikasa seems pretty normal-"

"No way- she's also crazy." Ymir laughed loudly, "I heard that the two of them killed someone together, that's why no crew wanted to take them in."


"Don't look at me like that-" she chuckled, "they're just like cats, feed them and pay attention to them sometimes and they'll be fine. Besides, the killing people thing is just a dumb rumor, I'm sure they're normal."


"You've surrounded yourself with a weird group of people."

i also think that you should've verified that it was in fact a rumor before you took them in

"Tell me more about your crew."

"My crew? Why are you worried that there are more secret murderers?"

"No I'm just realizing that I don't really know anything about them."

"Well, alright."


very much filler sorry! just a heads up i may not update next weekend bc its parents weekend and i want to spend time w/ them instead of writing <3

- ami

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