25. rose

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god my head hurts

"We should really get a doctor on this godforsaken boat," an irritated voice, Ymir's, grumbled, causing my head to throb with pain.

shut up-

"I've done what I can," another voice, probably Armin's responded.

"Yeah yeah, I know, you can go now," Ymir dismissed him.

god my head hurts

im repeating myself at this point but

i mean it

"A few more days then," she whispered to herself, sighing loudly.

what's happening-

"Wh-" I tried to open my eyes, the sudden influx of light causing another jolt of pain to shoot through me.

"Y/N?" Ymir's concerned face hovered over me. "You shouldn't be awake, go back to sleep."

wait how did i get here

"What happened?" I glanced around the room, "why am I in your bed?"

"Because you hit your head- hold on you should be sleeping don't talk-" she moved away from me, cursing a little.

"I hit my head?"

"Yeah, I pushed you into a wall," she came back into view, holding a glass of water.

"Why did you do that?" I chuckled, my head aching as I reached for the water.


"Yeah, why did I do that?" She rolled her eyes, holding the glass up to my lips, "I'm making it up to you by fussing over your body."


"Who said you had to do that?"

"Everyone else has a job aboard, I gotta help somehow," Ymir set the glass down, standing over me awkwardly. "Besides, it was my fault."

well yeah i guess so

"How long have I been out?"

guessing not that long if it still hurts this bad

"Two and a half days, we're out at sea so I couldn't find someone to help you."

two and a half days ?

"Wow, I must look like shit."

"You look cute princess, you'd look better if you slept for another 20 hours."

i don't think i can-

"Where are you sleeping if I've been here?" I frowned, glancing around the room.

"Where do you think I've been sleeping?" Ymir smirked, her hand brushing a stray hair out of my face. "Don't worry about it, I'm set up in the office."


"Sorry that must be uncomfortable," I attempted to sit up a little, only to be gently nudged back down.

"It really isn't anything new" she shrugged, "go to bed Y/N, stop feeling apologetic and rest. I need you rested enough to get off the boat so we can get professional help for you."

there's really no need-

"Before you start to protest- you hit your head, you need serious help that no one on this ship can give you." She paused, narrowing her eyes, "don't think I haven't noticed you wincing in pain trying to move around."

i know i should be listening to her but im serious- i've slept for two days

and i have a lot of questions

where are we? what happened to petra?

"I'm hungry, I can't sleep," I pouted, pulling the blankets up around me.

"Ok fine, but after you eat something will you please go to bed?"

"Fine, fine, it's like you want me gone," I rolled my eyes at her.

that's another question- has she been watching over me this whole time?

"'Course not," she hummed, stepping away from the bed to grab something from the other room. "You're going to have to try a hell of a lot harder to make me let you go."


"You've got to stop flirting with me," I mumbled to myself, pulling the blankets up over my mouth.

i don't know what im going to do with myself

"What was that?"

"Nothing, I was just asking if you had been here the whole time-" I quickly lied, glancing up at Ymir as she came back with a bowl full of something.

i don't know how i want you to answer that question so-

"Well, someone had to be here to save you from yourself when you woke up," she helped prop me up with some pillows so I could eat.

yeah- someone

not that i'm not happy that you're here but

im sure you have better things to be doing-

"Alright," I frowned, reaching for the steaming bowl.

"Ah- I don't think so," Ymir grabbed my hand. "Relax."


"Ymir I can feed myself-" I chuckled, reaching for the bowl again, "I'm not dying, I just hit my head."

im sure it's a combination of that and exhaustion

the headache can be easily explained by the fact that i probably haven't had much to drink while i was passed out

she's too worried

"Let me do this much for you," she murmured, holding the bowl away from me. "Please?"

well don't pout like that

"As if watching over me while I slept for two days wasn't enough," I frowned at her. "Fine, but just this once, I'm perfectly capable of feeding myself."

"Sit still," Ymir fussed over me, pushing a spoonful of some kind of steaming broth towards me. "You had me worried there for a second."

i imagine

"Well you don't have to be worried about me now," I allowed her to spoon-feed me. "And maybe you deserve it for leaving me hanging there at the clothing shop."

i was really worried for a second

"Hey! I saved you, didn't I?"


"Yeah, not before I got dragged away and my friend got captured."

"I saved her too," she huffed loudly, "open up."

"Thank you for that, could've been faster," I muttered the last part under my breath.



"I'm sorry."


daylight savings is the worst </3 i hope yall r doing well

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