18. lambrusco

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"I'm back," Nifa entered the room, holding a tray laden with a variety of different foods. "I had the cook set aside your portion for you."

"Thank you," I got out of bed, moving towards the window seats to eat.

this way i'll be able to see when they get here

if they get here

they will

"Anything else? I probably can't stay to keep you company-"

"it's alright," I paused, "will you let me know if my father says anything?"

that is incredibly unspecific and unhelpful

"I'll report back to you if he speaks," she teased lightly before bowing and taking her leave.

My gaze drifted back outside at the winding streets that led towards my home.

if they were running levi and erwin would've already made it-

those traitors probably didn't run-

even if they did- levi is so much shorter than erwin he would hold them back

I scanned the port searching for any sign of commotion around the Dancing Titan, nothing.

the crew knows about levi and erwin they shouldn't have any trouble getting aboard

i know that but-

i wish i could see something


some sign that they were there-

The sky had completely shifted to night, the last fleeting moments of sunset replaced by an emerging blanket of stars that stretched as far as the eye could see.

i appreciate the fluffy descriptions but im kinda trapped in my room right now

Below that the town continued on like normal, people just below my window completely unaware of my situation.

not that they would care

to most people im just acting up

i would say im more than just acting up-

"Y/N," a familiar, unwanted voice called out from the hall.

"What do you want, father?"

"Don't act so annoyed, I brought you a book," I frowned at his response, my eyes immediately drawn to the piles of books and shelves that lined the room.

"I have plenty."

"You're being uncooperative," he pushed open the door, setting the book down at the foot of my bed, "this will be helpful for your apology."

i am well versed in apologizing when i don't mean it

i mean-

i live with you

"I doubt I need practice," I muttered under my breath, turning back towards the window.

"Nothing will change if you ignore me," he sighed, growing ever more exasperated.

"I can pretend."

"If you want to apologize to me for all of the stress you've put me under the last few months I will be in my office."

that won't be happening

I bit my tongue to keep my mouth shut, holding my gaze on the horizon.

i loathe him

I pressed my hands to the glass, tracing my finger along the street I had watched Levi and Erwin disappear down earlier.

they should be there by now

I stopped, my finger pressed against the point of light in the harbor that was the Dancing Titan.

if they take the route i showed mikasa earlier it should only be another 10 or so minutes-

ymir wouldn't need convincing would she?

i mean- she agreed to help me to begin with

From outside I could hear the sounds of people heading home for the night, a peaceful serene evening, devoid of the laughter and music that filled the streets closer to the docks.

it's a little lonesome up here

"Y/N!" Historia's voice called out, startling me out of my thoughts. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I met her gaze, recognizing Mikasa and Eren who stood by her.

ymir didn't come?

"I'm here by the order of the captain to negotiate for your freedom- she struggles with diplomacy if you would believe it," she shot me a reassuring smile, chuckling slightly. "Get ready to leave."

good luck

"I apologize but we aren't accepting gue-" Nifa opened up the door freezing when her eyes met Mikasa's imposing glare.

"It's a bit out of the blue but we've been sent by the Captain to discuss a deal with your employer," Historia beamed, pushing her way past Nifa, her voice growing faint as she entered the house.

it's all up to them now

"Right this way," Nifa's muffled voice was followed by the sound of heavy footsteps.

prepare to leave?

they plan to get me out-

that's going to be difficult- i can see them being able to strike a deal to postpone the engagement

there's no way they're going to be able to convince my father to drop the entire thing right now

not unless they do something really stupid

"Sir there's someone here to see you," Nifa called out her voice clearer now that she was just down the hall.

if only there was something i could do to help them-

not that my involvement would do anything right now

i might make it worse

"I'm nor receiving anyone curr-"

"We've come to speak to you about striking a deal with the Captain," Historia cut him off, a cool edge to her tone.

"I apologize for my rudeness," the door swung open and their voices became muffled again as he disappeared into the room.

"I'll just get started, our Captain has struck up a partnership with your daughter and is interested in extending that relationship to you on one condition," I pressed my ear to the door to listen in to their conversation.

she would do that?

"I've come to save the princess in the tower," a low voice whispered into my ear, startling me.


"Shh," a hand was placed on my mouth, "we wouldn't want to ruin the plan now would we." The intruder spun me around, calloused hand slowly releasing my face.

In front of me stood Ymir, silhouette illuminated by the moon in the window.

"You didn't think I was just going to give in to your father after all this time, did you?"


this one was rlly fun to write i hope you like it

- amiii

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