49. chianti

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"Do you like it?" Ymir and I had been chatting for an hour over our brunch.


"My plate is clean-" I grinned over at her, "I loved it."

"The way to your heart is through your stomach huh," she mused, calling for the waiter.

i'm seriously regretting not meeting you earlier

"I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to work with you if this is how your negotiations go."




"I'm usually not as charming, but the food is the same."

i can imagine

"So? What's next on the agenda?"

"I was thinking about taking you on a tour of all my favorite haunts," Ymir beamed. "Are you ready?"

i'm a little worried-

"As long as we don't get ambushed in a back alley again," I nodded my agreement.

"Only Bertoldt would ever attempt that, believe it or not, I'm a pretty big deal around these parts."

you were a big deal back home too

"I'm going to make you a big deal everywhere," I leaned back in my chair. "You're already a pretty big deal in most places so I won't even have to work that hard."

"I'm only a big deal because they're stupid," she shrugged, standing up from her chair. "Shall we?"

"We shall," I nodded, following her out of the room.

it's the truth though

you're a big deal

and it's not just because other people are scared of you

"I think that they're stupid but-" I paused, blinking as we stepped out into the morning light. "They're not stupid in the way that you think they are."

they're all too smart

and that's what makes them stupid

they overlook the simplest answers in favor of long overcomplicated solutions

"It's all the same at the end of the day, isn't it? Regardless of what kind of stupid they are you have to treat them the same, there isn't any value in making a distinction."

the issue is I'M stupid but i don't want to associate with them

"Just go along with it- it feeds my superiority complex."

"Sure thing," Ymir glanced at me, before reaching for my hand, pulling me towards her. "Let's stop debating the specifics and look around."

lead the way

"Where do you want to go first?" She turned to me eagerly.

"Let's go somewhere that everyone likes you," I rolled my eyes at her, teasing.

"That's going to be difficult," Ymir glanced around, reading a street sign. "I can think of one place."

"Oh? That's a lot."

"I told you that I know all the great spots."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go there right away."

"Slow down- shouldn't we save the best for last? Let me show you the worst of this place so you appreciate it more later on."

"You're going to take me on a date to the sewers?"

"Do you want me to?"


depends how bad does it smell-

"Don't even think about it- we're not going on a trip to the sewers," she scrunched up her nose. "I know I'm not that romantic but I wouldn't even dream of taking you to a place like that."

"So you've been?" I asked, taking her hand as we began to walk.

"Of course- it's a great place to lay low when people are after you," Ymir squeezed my hand, leading me down winding streets. "One time we were being chased out of a bar by some thugs- the whole crew and I used the sewers to get back to the ship."

now i want to get into a fight

"So what you're saying is that you don't want to have an epic chase scene with me," I sighed, "I see how it is.


"Didn't we already have an epic chase scene? Several of them even."


"Hmm," I raised my finger to my lip in contemplation, "maybe I'm addicted."

all of our chase scenes have been because of me- i want to run away because you did something

"Let's save our chase scenes for a time that matters- we don't want to make the novelty wear off, do we?"

you're right

"Being run out of a bar is now on my bucket list."

"That won't be hard to accomplish," Ymir stopped in front of a large stone building. "We're here."

"How many people hate you here?" I asked, immediately being hit by the smell of fresh flowers.

"Maybe only two? Depends on how many people are in today," she grinned, ushering me further in to the flower shop.

it's gorgeous

One wall of the space was covered floor to ceiling in different shapes, colors, and sizes of vases in a beautiful mosaic of color. The rest of the store was completely filled with different plants and flowers, hydrangeas, violets, irises, roses, daylilies, and more filled every inch of the store save for a small aisle to the back.

"I didn't peg you as a flower girl?"

"I dabble," she shrugged, leaning down to smell a bunch of lilacs. "Thought we should get something to freshen up the office."


"Do you have any favorites?"

"The red ones- I love the color red," she hummed, handing me a deep red rose. "Something like this."

"Oh," I took the rose, breathing deeply, "so do I."

"Well, that seems like a sign."

"Does it?"

"I think so," she murmured, stepping closer to me, her fingers brushing up against my cheek. "I believe in that sort of thing."


"For you? For you I think I could."

"You'd believe in that for me?"

"I think I would believe in a lot more than coincidence for you," she murmured, her eyes flicking down to my lips.

"Would you believe me if I said I wanted to kiss you right now?" I whispered, my eyes locking with hers.

"I think I would."

"Then- what are you going to do about that?"

"I've never said no to a lady before."

The rose fell from my hand onto the ground as our lips met.



hope you guys are doing well <333

- ami

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