48. coutet

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"This is the same place we went to the other day right?" I looked around at the restaurant the two of us had gone to with Bertoldt.


it would be more accurate to say that we dragged him there


"I wanted to take you here alone that day before he got in the way," Ymir grumbled. "Come on I'll show you the best spot."

lead the way

"I didn't take you there the other day but-" Ymir lead me past the main dining hall pulling me behind her. "I have my own special area."


"I struck up a deal with the previous owner to always have a room reserved," she beamed, "for all my private business dealings."

"And your dates?"

"Only this one princess."

"It's an honor."

"That's a lot of pressure," she hummed, holding the door open for me. "Lower your expectations."

"How could I possibly," I teased back, stepping into the brightly lit room. On the far wall, large bay windows gave a view of the town and the harbor in the distance, a picturesque view that looked almost like a painting due to the last moments of sunrise quickly dissipating into the morning.

it's beautiful

"You've crushed my expectations- don't worry about it." I murmured walking to peer outside of the window. The inside of the room was sparsely decorated but still held an air of nobility and importance, the table was made out of dark mahogany, two chairs decorated with deep purple cushions sat at the table.

a lot of attention has been put into this room

"Well, I hope the rest of it is up to your standards," she pulled my chair out for me, gesturing for me to sit.

i think it will be

"What's on the agenda?"


"I'm thinking it up as I go-" Ymir turned abruptly reaching for a rope in the corner of the room, she gave it a harsh tug causing a large brass bell to ring out loudly. "Let's eat first."

is there a menu?

"Let me order for you," Ymir stopped me before I could speak.

"Do you have a secret menu too?"

"Something like that," she paused to think, "it's more along the lines of knowing local specialties."

"I trust your judgment."

A waiter came over to Ymir, who quickly murmured a long order to him.

i wonder if she has places like this in every city

"Do you have rooms reserved in every city?"

"I have rooms reserved in every hotel," she winked at me before a look of immediate regret at her own word choice painted her face.


"That was corny."

"I'm sorry that was embarrassing-"

"Where did all your confidence go?"

"Wherever my brain went when I said that," she groaned loudly. "Never bring that up to my crew."

"I'm sure you've said worse in front of them."

"Probably but- this is different."

"Cute," I murmured under my breath.

"What was that?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"What are you ordering?" I asked watching as Ymir murmured something to the waiter. "I'm curious."

"It's more exciting if it's a surprise isn't it?"

"Well that's true but-" I paused, glancing around the room. "I'm wondering how you typically treat your clients."

it wasn't uncommon for my father to have guests over for dinner

a lot of unnecessary stress was caused by those parties

i don't miss them

"Well-" she hesitated for a second. "I imagine it's a bit different from what you're used to."

"What I'm used to is miserable- I'm eager to learn."

"Typically, even though they're asking something of me they're a bit nervous," she began to explain. "I guess working with me and my crew must feel a little bit risky."

due to her reputation they probably feel like they're doing something illegal

"Nothing I can do about that," Ymir shrugged, "we still get business so I can't exactly complain about it."

they need someone to be their face

"So you try and make people feel comfortable by bringing them here?"

"Well yes- I imagine no one would work with us if they had to come onto the ship, but it's not just that."


"Truth be told we aren't as powerful as we pretend to be, we're successful but most if not all of the people we work with hold power over us." She glanced around the room, "so having a place like this allows us to appear stronger than we actually are."

that makes sense

all of the expensive items in this room are probably from ymir herself

it's smart

"So you make sure that any and all negotiations are done on your terms in your environment- and you're able to intimidate your clients with a show of power that isn't entirely truthful?"

"That's correct."

"You're brilliant."

"That's a word better suited to someone like you," Ymir hummed, leaning over the table slightly. "I'm just doing what I need to."

"You're aware of your shortcomings and you're smart about the way that you overcome them and make up for them- that's brilliant."

i strongly believe that in the right environment- ymir could dominate

"If you say so."

"You're constantly undermining yourself but-" I paused, reaching for her hand. "I came to you because I believed you had the ability to help me, and I would've left and found another alternative if that wasn't the case. Believe in yourself."

"You think too highly of me."

"If that's the case I never want to stop."



- am(wah)i

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