38. petit bouschet

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ymir certainly has a reputation

"Are there any nice restaurants in this town you haven't been thrown out of?" The two of us wandered down the streets, searching for the right place.

actually don't answer that-

"Some of them I got barred from before I even attempted to enter," she shrugged nonchalantly. "Like that one," she pointed to a large building on the left.

well then-

"They don't even know you, how could they do that?"

"Well-" Ymir avoided eye contact with me, "word travels. People like me are best suited to taverns, well, at least that's where we're welcome."

that has to change

"You stay outside, I'll make a reservation."

i'm fired up about it now

"Are you sure?"

"Certain," I left her outside, making my way into the large building, the scent of linen and roses hitting me immediately upon entry.


"Excuse me, I was wondering if I could make a reservation for tomorrow evening," I walked over to the host, "I have some very important guests who are adamant that we dine here."

it's me

i'm the important guest

as you should <3333

"Certainly," the host gave me a once over, "under what name?"

"Y/N, Y/N Zacharius," I beamed over at her, "give us your best table."

we're treating the crew- it'd better be the best they have

"And for how many?" The host seemed more eager after hearing my last name.





"We'll keep a table open for you the entire day, drop in whenever it suits you," the host bowed slightly.

i wonder how much that expression will change when i waltz in with a bunch of sailors

"Thank you," I murmured before taking my leave.


until my father officially disowns me i should drain his pockets dry

we're ordering the most expensive thing they have to offer tomorrow

"How did it go?" Ymir was at my side the moment I stepped outside.


"We have a reservation for tomorrow evening," I grinned, clasping her hand in mine. "We should go tell the crew."


"This may just be the stupidest thing I've done," Ymir looked over at me, a lopsided grin on her features.

that's a good thing right?

"That can't be true," I shook my head at her.

"Oh it's up there," she hummed, beginning to lead the way back home.

you've committed crimes-

"Let's see them try to kick us out," I murmured, "I'll just throw around this godawful last name."

this will all probably come to backfire in the future

but i can't bring myself to care

i'm having fun

"That's my girl."

stop it ill blush

"You're doing this on purpose now."

"Maybe, is it working?"

"A little."

The two of us talked on and off on the way back to the ship, periodically stopping to look at the harbor and the glittering sea beyond.

"Why did you become a sailor?" I asked absentmindedly.

"Because it paid well?"

"I mean sure but- you have more than enough money to stop and live comfortably for the rest of your life."

why continue?

"I can't let down my crew can I?" She chuckled, ruffling my hair with her free hand, the other still firmly in my grasp.

i guess so-

"I love the sea," she continued after a long pause. "The ocean and I are in a committed relationship, she's pulled me out of the worst of it, I'd gladly give the rest of my life to her."


"I'd love to be that passionate about something," I murmured, staring at her as she looked out to the ocean.

"I'm sure you already do, you've just never had anyone try to take it from you."


"Did that happen to you?"

"Well- there was a period where we were apart, but that's a long time in the past." She seemed to be avoiding giving a direct answer. "I did realize that I wanted to spend the rest of my life at sea during that period."

distance makes the heart grow fonder

i don't think i've ever experienced longing like that

maybe someday

"When you're ready you can tell me about it."

please do

"It's not that interesting of a story but I'll look forward to that moment," she squeezed my hand.

the sea really is beautiful

i can understand how someone would become enamored

it's exhilarating seeing this unfamiliar coastline

i'm excited to be conscious when the boat is moving

i've never been on a long voyage like that

"I'm still very curious as to how one becomes the captain of her own ship but I'll save that question for another day."

"Maybe after you answer a few questions about yourself," she turned the spotlight onto me.

well there really isn't much

i'm an open book

ask away

"Later tonight, I think I'll have to be sitting down for some of this," Ymir muttered, turning onto the dock that the ship was docked to.


"Do you want to let the crew know about the reservation or should I?" I asked as we stepped aboard.

it's fine either way

"Well, you're the one paying."

my dad is

"You're the one who wanted to give them a gift."

"If you insist," she grinned, calling the crew to her. "I have a present for you."


i need to sleep for like 493743947 hrs

- ami

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