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820 32 24

Date: April 7, 2022
Words: 1707

~ Author's Note ~
Take the comfort and fluff while you have it. It will not be here long, cough *the next chapter* cough.
I hope you guys enjoy!
I tried to write smut...
I don't own the title or the lyrics. They belong to the song Hostage By Billie Eilish

WARNINGS: Comfort Smut

Gold on your fingertipsFingertips against my cheek

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Gold on your fingertips
Fingertips against my cheek


One Month Later, Avengers Compound

The warm yellow rays poured through the window, shining brightly across her face. She was lying on her stomach, one arm wrapped around the muscular frame where she was resting her head.

Natasha squeezes her eyes shut, turning slightly, as she presses her face into the curve of his neck.

Every time she attempted to move, there was a stabbing ache spread throughout her body. She felt the man beside her shift gently before she felt his fingers massage her scalp. The red-head lets out a shaky breath as she feels his other hand pull her closer. She knows that she is safe in his arms, but still has to force herself to relax as her mind clears from its foggy state before she can take in her surroundings.

The redhead could hear the TV playing quietly in the background. The female news anchor was ranting about the damage done in Lagos, and the insults about them were coming left and right.

God, she hoped Wanda was not listening.

Natasha forces herself to roll onto her back, slowly opening her eyes. She immediately catches sight of his stunning blue irises glazing down on her. Steve smiles gently, his hand moving up towards her cheek pushing the red locks out of her eyes, as he slides onto his side to lay.

"Hey, look who is finally awake." She smiles slightly, resting herself against his hand, while she closes her eyes in an attempt to soothe the throbbing taking place in her head. "Another headache?"

"Yeah, it's been a stressful month."

Natasha has been attempting to do damage control, with the help of Tony, over the ongoing battle with the UN. She knew something was coming, and she could feel the fire burning before it even got started.

Steve nods, as he sits up against the dark headboard, he pulls her body closer to his through the silk purple sheets, letting her back rest up against his frame, as he weaved his fingers through her hair.

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