ᴠɪ. ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛs ᴏᴜᴛ, ɪᴛ's ʟᴇss ᴅᴀɴɢᴇʀᴏᴜs

624 46 148

Date: July 16, 2022
Words: 2673

~ Author's Note ~

I'm so sorry this took so long!! I didn't mean for it to, but life got in the way. Then writers block is a terrible curse.

Lyrics belong to Malia J, Smells Like Teen Spirit.

Poor Yelena, she snaps...

Don't worry, Natasha will snap soon...

WARNING: Mention of loss of a child during childbirth. (Rose, It is very brief, but it is there. It happens during the first little bit when Natasha and Yelena are in the vent.) Mention of past drug uses, but nothing graphic.

It's fun to lose and to pretendShe's over-bored and self-assuredOh no, I know, a dirty word

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It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over-bored and self-assured
Oh no, I know, a dirty word


The redhead grabs her sister's arm, pulling her behind her. She leads her to a vent filled with memories before shoving the cover open. Only once they are safely hidden does she allow herself the chance to breathe.

They are so screwed.

Natasha turns to her sister, watching her grit her teeth against the pain of the bandage over her wound. She frowns deeply, noticing the blonde struggle with tying the makeshift bandage.

"You okay?" She asks softly.

"Yeah, great plan," Yelena sighs. She pushes herself against the back wall of the vent, glancing at her sister with tears in her eyes. She refuses to let them fall. "I love the part where I almost bled to death."

Her hazel irises flicker around the dark space around them. The air is blowing over her skin, a whirring noise echoing around. She notices a set of tally marks and a few tic-tac-toe games on the side wall.

"This is cozy," she states.

"Barton and I spent two days hiding up here," Natasha replies. She tries not to let the memories overwhelm her. Now is not the time for her to break down.

"That must have been fun," Yelena remarks, "Who did a lot of winning?"

"Who the hell is that guy?"

"Dreykov's special project," Yelena states. She glances at the redhead as something dark appears through her hazel irises. "He can mimic anyone he's ever seen. It's like fighting a mirror. Dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions."

Natasha shakes her head, placing her hand over her stomach. She can feel the nausea worsening, and they need to get out of this vent before she starts puking her guts out.

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