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422 19 51

Date: July 22, 2023
Words: 1773

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to David Kushner, Daylight

Would anyone believe me if I say if a valid excuse this time? I was grounded. Like seriously - my phone was taken away and everything. And I still have restrictions, lol... (I did kinda deserve it too... but anyways, enough about me.)

I was finally able to finish this chapter!

And do any of you watch Criminal Minds?

Time Skips: There will be a lot of time skips in part three. We have two years to cover after all. But it should still make sense... and it's nothing huge.

There's darkness in the distanceI'm beggin' for forgiveness(Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt)

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There's darkness in the distance
I'm beggin' for forgiveness
(Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt)


Oh, fuck.

Fuck - fuck. Her hands are shaking, the air struggling through her lungs. The blood is soaking into her hands, staining them a bright red. It's all over the floor. Though she tries frantically to clean her mess, it's no use. Her thoughts are too scattered to concentrate, and she can feel the panic blooming through her soul.

She remembers the moment clearly. The moment that everything changed and she snapped. His hands were wrapped around her baby's throat. He was shoving her against the wall, cutting off her air supply. And she had to make him stop. She's warned him before – by saying it was trauma related – that he was not allowed to touch any of the girls.

And ahh fucking course, he didn't listen.

He was too busy drowning himself in alcohol, too busy losing himself to care about the consequences. He has no sense of purpose. There're no missions to keep him on track. No Dreykov to order him around. He is losing himself. Hurting those around him.

Melina finally snapped.

And she has the blood on her hands to prove it.


August 19, 2016

The redhead types frantically on the laptop, ignoring all the sounds echoing from across the counter. Steve and Sam are trying to agree on some type of pasta sauce – both claiming their mother's recipes are the best choice – and Clint had started to suggest using a foreign spice Laura loves, but the request was quickly forgotten once Natasha sent a glare.

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