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377 19 74

Date: December 2, 2023
Words: 1909

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to Katy Perry, Rise

WARNINGS: Pregnancy Fears.

I won't just survive Oh, you will see me thrive

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I won't just survive
Oh, you will see me thrive


The next couple of weeks blurred together. And it didn't take Peter long to begin joking with the team. He plays video games with Scott and Sam – trying his best not to rub a win in their faces as he continues to beat them at every match – and he talks Yelena into starting a Harry Potter marathon – silently promising to himself that he will catch her up on everything current pop culture has to offer.

Wanda tries to teach him to cook – he does not see why she keeps inviting him to join her, not when he really is terrible in the kitchen. Clint and Steve talk him through training drills, offering their specialized insights whenever they see fit.

And it's nice. He appreciates their efforts.

But his favorite person to spend time with is Natasha.

She always makes him smile – even though he doesn't feel like it most of the time – and manages to get him to eat and sleep on his worst days. Now she'll sit with him whenever he gets overwhelmed and happily listens to him talk her ear off about physics. Peter wouldn't have made it through the first week in Wakanda without her, let alone a couple of weeks.

And he watches her with the rest of the team, curiosity burning within him as he begins to wonder how each of their dynamics were forged. She watches over him and Wanda – just like a mother would, and he can't help but think of how Natasha will be a great mother. Scott and Sam are the annoying cousins - borderlining brotherly – who can always have a good laugh. Yelena is without a doubt her sister in everything but blood – like how Ned is with him – and they tease each other as if there'll be no tomorrow. Melina... Melina is her mother. Always in her girl's corner. A protector forged from the flame. And Clint is... well, he's Clint.

He doesn't know how to describe their bond.

Steve... well, to put it simply, he is her other half, a part of her that no other person could possibly fill.

He loves her with everything he has inside him. And the way his face always lights up at the mere sight of her is a prime example. Not to mention the lovey-dovey glances they send towards each other whenever they think no one is looking – even though Peter knows vividly that they are terrible at being suitable.

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