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589 31 112

Date: May 11, 2022
Words: 2009

~ Author's Note ~

To be honest, I didn't really know how I wanted to do Bucky's journal entry. Sorry, if it's something entirely different.

Spoiling you guys!!

Oh gosh, shits gonna go down...

Lyrics belong to the song 1216 by Echos

Welcome to the room I hide inI'd invite you in to stay,  But I'm trying to get out of here

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Welcome to the room I hide in
I'd invite you in to stay,
But I'm trying to get out of here



All the windows are covered.

Magazines are taped over them. All views are blocked from the outside. People can't see inside, and people can't see out. The walls are bare of all things personal, lacking in everything that makes a place a home. He can only think of one word to describe what it makes him feel.


There are no pictures on the wall. Nothing special on the shelves. Steve glances around, his grip tightening on his shield. He catches sight of a black journal on top of the fridge. It's hidden under two candy bars, and a normal person wouldn't notice it.

The blonde slowly moves closer, gripping the notebook close. He notices the tabs of various colors leaking out from the side. His fingers run along the edge of the old pages as he looks them over. His blue irises flicker over a picture of himself, before he lingers on a red tab, flipping the page.

The title freezes him in his tracks.

Natalia Alianovna Romanova
(Girl with flaming hair?)

Oct. 28, 2014

• Black Widow Assassin (Confirmed)

• Odessa (Shot primary target through her, received punishment for leaving her alive.) I knew her from before.

• Red Room? (Man, Dreskov or Dreykov, in charge with Karpov. Girl with flaming hair and numb to the world, dead green eyes) There was- is something about her.

The writing continues, flowing down the page in a mix of different languages. Steve scrambles against the words shown written in German and Russian, and he is not fluent enough to finish the page. He can make out a few words being repeated: Red Room, Code Words, Karpov, Dreykov.

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