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659 46 89

Date: November 22, 2022
Words: 2577

~ Author's Note ~

Happy Birthday Scarlett!!

Lyrics belong to Billie Eilish, I Love You

Everyone is an emotional wreck. You're Welcome.

So... Natasha has a lot of emotions she hasn't dealt with concerning Rose, and we will see a couple of them in this chapter. (A little spoiler, this is not the last time these feelings will be brought up.)

WARNINGS: Mentions of stillborn birth, Mention of abusive relationships.

What the hell did I do?Never been the type toLet someone see right through

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What the hell did I do?
Never been the type to
Let someone see right through


The overwhelming thoughts are surging through her mind. Every memory she has ever tried to push away is forcing its way to the surface. She can feel the tears streaming down her face, as her limbs shake against her wishes.

The air is tight in her lungs. She releases a choked gasp, vomit slipping past her lips. She tenses, hearing the front door open behind her, but she's too caught up in her stomach churning to straighten up. She is aware of the hand reaching for her hair, and the hand resting gently on her back.

Natasha struggles to find her bearings, but eventually, her stomach seems to settle momentarily. She reaches for the railings aligning the front porch, weakly lowering herself down. She sighs, her emerald irises shining as they meet the man's worried gaze in front of her.


He smiles weakly, "You look like a mess."

Natasha chuckles lightly, "No more than you do."

Tony gasps dramatically, "Insult."

The air around them falls silent, besides her breathing hitching every couple of seconds. She can feel Tony's piercing glaze, his worried chocolate irises studying her every move.

"So...," he starts slowly, "They're intense."

Natasha chuckles darkly, "That's putting it lightly."

Tony nods agreeing wholeheartedly, and he watches her face closely as he begins his next words. "And, um, Rose?"

Natasha ignores the ache stabbing through her chest, at the mere mention of her lost child's name. Her eyes fill to the brim with unwanted tears, and soon they start flowing freely down her cheeks. The grief is evident all over her face. But it is the pain Tony notices burning in her eyes that causes an ache to spread from within his soul.

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