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582 38 141

Date: May 27, 2022
Words: 3497

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to Dean Lewis, Waves

These fight scenes are chaotic!! Like, I can't keep up... sorry if I get something wrong!

PS, I used the grappling hook scene that never got filmed for a Cap and Widow scene!! You're welcome...

PS, I used the grappling hook scene that never got filmed for a Cap and Widow scene!! You're welcome

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There is a swelling storm
And I'm caught up in the middle of it all


"This is gonna end well," Natasha mutters. A sense of dread washes over her, as she follows the rest of them, her eyes focusing on Steve. If she got to him first, there is a chance she could stop him. Maybe beat some shit out of him, as Tony said.

"They're not stopping," Peter notices nervously.

"Neither are we," Tony mutters.

He lifts himself into the air, as Steve picks up his pace. Natasha takes off into a sprint, but before she can get close to him, he removes his gaze away from her to Tony. He flings his shield just in time for Tony's suit to hit it with a loud metal clang.

Chaos surrounds them.

Natasha catches sight of Lang from the corner of her eye, but a split second later she feels herself getting shoved backward. She tries to brace herself against the pavement, but he's back, leaping toward her, then disappearing again.

She spins around, throwing her arms up to block an incoming attack, but he does reappear. The redhead tries to predict his next move, when he pops back up she's ready for him. She knocks him down, a perfect kick, square to the chest. He groans, falling back as he lands roughly on the ground.

Natasha turns around, hoping she can find Steve and try to get him alone, though she notices him and Tony still going at it. She watches Steve block Tony's fist with his shield before she catches sight of movement from the corner of her eye.

Scott's flying back at her, but she quickly lifts her fist, connecting it with his shoulder. He stumbles away, giving Natasha enough time to brace herself against any incoming attacks. Before Scott has any time to notice, she flips him roughly on his back.

An arrow whizzes by her ear, stilling her attention. She spins around, meeting Clint's gaze sternly. He smirks, causing her to loosen up, a smirk of her own settling on her face. She lunges quickly, sending a kick to his chest, but he expertly ducks out of the way. She reaches for her batons, retracting them with a click.

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