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493 24 60

Date: April 23, 2023
Word: 3110

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to Chord Overstreet, Hold On

ROSS... so I plan on removing Ross from the UN, I just don't know how. He is really going to hate Natasha, btw. So... any ideas?

Please remember that Steve has already had a run in with the Widows - before they brought him into the office - and now they are beating him up more. So if it seems like he's putting up less of a fight than Natasha in the movie, that's why...

Used Google Translate for all the Finnish translations, sorry if they are wrong!

WARNINGS: Graphic Descriptions of Violence – The Widows.

Helplessly praying, the light isn't fadingHiding the shock and the chill in my bones

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Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading
Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones


There is a pile of blood pooling beneath him.

Steve grunts, squeezing his eyes closed, as the pain vibrates through his body. The widows are surrounding him on all sides. And one of them secures him in place, her arms wrapped around his neck. Tears fall down his cheeks, as he takes hit after hit.

One to the abdomen. Chest.

Again and again.

He notices the dark spot beginning to flood the edges of his vision, his lungs tightening against his ribs. But he continues to struggle through the pain, blood begins pooling in his mouth. Steve attempts to free himself of the Widow's hold, but there are too many of them. He slumps back in their hold in defeat, his vision blurring as another hit collides with his face.

Steve swallows, images flashing through his mind. The memories with Natasha that he protectively holds close to his heart. Her laugh as he wiped ice cream over her nose, her body curled into his, her sweet lips crashing into his, etc. He wants to do all those things again. He is not ready to die.

Not yet.

Suddenly, a ticking noise flows through the room. He swallows, breathing deeply, as he struggles to find the source. A loud boom echoes throughout the office, and red dust begins to fall across the group. The brunette holding Steve freezes, her eyes glowing a dark red, as she glances around confused.

Most of the Widows look confused. Or terrified.

Even horrified.

Steve gasps, his body vibrating with pain, as he begins to crumble to the floor. Everything is trembling. It hurts to breathe with several broken ribs scattered within his sternum. He can't bring himself to push his body off the ground; so he lies motionless, every breath is another battle to face.

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