
315 19 15

Date: January 31, 2024
Words: 4407

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to John Legend, All of Me

What was your favorite aspect of this story? Mine was more of the creating process... but I loved Natasha's final scene with Dreykov as well.

Words cannot even begin to describe all the emotions I'm feeling right now. This story has been such a big milestone for me - it means so much to me! I want to think each and every one of you for your comments and support! I couldn't have done it without all of you!

I'm on TIKTOK & INSTAGRAM under the same username!

And I'm excited to announce that I will be writing an Arrow fanfic - Oliver and Felicity - it should be coming soon!

Enjoy the epilogue!

Tony's Lake HouseApril 4, 2020 - 10: 24 AM

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Tony's Lake House
April 4, 2020 - 10: 24 AM

You've got my head spinning, no kidding

The soft melody travels throughout the air, the guests chattering among themselves, as many of them comment on the beautiful scenery before them. White flowers spread through the grass, creating a path for the participants to follow, and the men are gathered on their selected side of the carefully decorated arch. Bright smiles shining along their lips.

Steve shifts on the tip of his toes, rubbing his fingers over his palms, while anxiously eyeing the entrance. It's time. The guests begin to settle, the music growing louder, while commotion draws their attention. Peter's standing proudly, carrying a sleeping fourteen-month-old Morgan — this is what happens when it's the baby's nap time, but the show continues — with dark shades covering his chocolate irises.

MJ is smirking beside him, three-year-old James smiling cheekily, while proudly holding on to the case securing the rings. The young woman leads the toddler carefully, Peter trailing after her, as Ned and Kate follow along. Dark shades are covering all of their eyes — not MJ's, but little James is rocking the trend as well — commanding attention, while Ned and Kate dramatically dust off the corners of their suits before standing in for the indisposed — asleep — flower girl. The group brings a smile to everyone's face.

Steve smiles, watching James' eyebrow crinkle in concentration, desperately attempting to walk straight while not dropping the rings. It's adorable.

His blonde hair shines under the sun, and his emerald orbs glow with excitement as they collide with an icy blue. "Daddy!"

Steve chuckles along with everyone else, waving softly toward the toddler approaching the altar with a few last carefully guided moves from MJ. "Hey, buddy," Steve comments, before tilting his head toward the empty chair in the front role. "Look at you. You did a good job. Now you need to go sit with Nana, okay?"

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