ɪɪɪ. ᴏɴ ᴀ ʙʀɪᴅɢᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ's ʙᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ᴅᴏᴡɴ

569 43 70

Date: June 17, 2022
Words: 1880

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to Boy Epic, Scars

Hope you enjoy!

Can you see my scars?Can you feel my heart?This is all of me, for all of the world to see

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Can you see my scars?
Can you feel my heart?
This is all of me, for all of the world to see


Everything's ringing.

She can smell the gas leaking into the air, causing her stomach to turn. Her head feels heavy, while a painful groan slips past her lips. She feels her eyes flutter shut as the black spots pierce their way into her vision. She feels her body dropping forward, failing to hold herself up.

But, her body is not the only thing to fall forward.
Natasha gasps, panic rising through her veins. Her car has broken through the bridge barrier. It rocks forward as its head tilts toward the sea down below. She sees the dark, swirling water as she struggles to control her breathing. She presses her palms along her body and searches for any major injuries.

The redhead does not find anything life-threatening, only tiny cuts from the glass. She notices the seat belt digging into the sensitive skin of her - fuck. Her hand travels down to the base of her belly, her mind racing as her heart pounds wildly through her chest.

The baby.

Natasha freezes, as the sound of a car door slamming reaches her ears. She glances up, as shallow breaths slip past her lips. Panic flooding through her, catching sight of the masked figure stalking her way.

Her hands fly toward the seat belt locking her in place, struggling against the lock. Her instincts take over as her breathing evens out, and she doesn't notice all of the glass shards entering her knuckles. She gasps, as the belt releases from the lock. Gravity sends her into the dashboard, her legs colliding first.

Natasha grips the frame, blood dripping off her palms, but she doesn't care. The car rocks forward, barely on the edge of the bridge as it threatens to fall. She needs to get out of there. Fast.

The redhead grunts, as she throws her body toward the back of the car. Her hands reach out for things to grip for stability. She glances out the back window, as she takes note of the unfamiliar figure closing in. She grabs a Glock off the floor, unlocking the softly with her thumb as she reloads the weapon.

"I'm pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here," Natasha yells. The familiar metal weapon sends calming waves through her body, a comforting essence as she aims it forward. "And you should know I'm a better shot when I'm pissed off."

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