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597 35 205

Date: May 13, 2022
Words: 3389

~ Author's Note ~

Our ship is about to go down...

Do you guys ever have that moment, where you go... oh fuck, what did I just do? Please, forgive me. It's gonna hurt...

FYI... Natasha's memories have previously been tampered with...

There are some mentions of the comic book: Black Widow, in the name of rose. If you have read it, you will probably know who Rose is... Ask any questions you have.

I added the deleted T'Challa and Natasha scene.

Lyrics belong to song Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin

Could you find a way to let me down slowly?A little sympathy, I hope you can show me

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Could you find a way to let me down slowly?
A little sympathy, I hope you can show me


The second she turns the corner, his blue irises meet her emerald, and she can feel the air getting sucked out of the room. Steve clenches his jaw, looking down at the floor as they walk through the skywalk.

The anger is radiating from him.

"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell," she glances around, catching sight of Everett trailing off in front of them. "Do me a favor, stay in it."

T'Challa huffs, "I don't intend on going anywhere."

Steve tries to focus on their conversation, but he can't help but pay closer attention to the sound of a familiar pair of footsteps getting closer. Natasha walks right up to him, her eyes trailing down until she reaches them, and spins around, falling into step beside him.

"For the record, this is what making things worse looks like." Natasha glances up, watching him avoid her gaze and tighten his jaw.

"He's alive."

Natasha straightens her shoulders, facing forward as they come closer to the conference room. Every part of her wants to reach forward, and brush her fingers with his. Send him some type of comfort. He has just seen James for the first time in years, but she can tell there's something else wrong.

"No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned." She turns her head, watching Tony on the phone. "And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup."

Natasha takes the lead, glancing back, swallowing as she catches Sam glaring at her. Steve still won't meet her gaze. She shakes her head, before she mutters under her breath, "Try not to break anything while we fix this."

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