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556 34 122

Date: May 23, 2022
Words: 2031

~ Author's Note ~

Paralyzed by NF is the lyrics

OMG, do you guys notice I'm prolonging the battle? Like it was supposed to happen two chapters ago...

And if life is pain, then I buried mineA long time ago, but it's still aliveAnd it's taking over me, where am I?

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And if life is pain, then I buried mine
A long time ago, but it's still alive
And it's taking over me, where am I?


Natasha slowly makes her way back to the conference room. Everything has stopped spinning, but she feels horrible. But then again, working off of only two hours of sleep isn't helping. After finally making it back to the conference room, Natasha slips into the room quietly, noticing the new person immediately.

The file Tony had given her hadn't revealed anything about Spider-Man's identity, and now Natasha knows why. Tony had clearly given him a new suit, and he is scrawnier than she expected. This kid can't be older than seventeen.

He's a fucking kid.

Tony glances up, catching sight of her. "Look whose back." He notices the kid, looking eye wide in her direction, and he smirks, "Spider-Man meet the Black Widow. Black Widow meet Spider-Man."

"M-Ms. Romanoff, hi! I'm..." he trails off, hesitating, as he abruptly throws out his hand. Natasha grasps it lightly, watching him nervously laugh. "I'm Peter. It's... it's a pleasure to meet you, Ma'am."

"Natasha's fine," she replies.

He nods excitedly, as she grins, unsure of what else to say. Normally, the people who recognize her are either hating on her or are afraid of her. It's a feeling she's not used to. Natasha glances around, grabbing Tony gently by the sleeve, pulling him away from the others.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Natasha glares up at him, glancing remotely at Peter. "He's a kid. What's he doing here?"

"He's Spider-Man." Tony scoffs, "I gave him a new suit, so he doesn't have to go running around in that junk from before."

"Kids shouldn't have to fight in battles, Tony!" Natasha shakes her head, knowing better than anyone. "You do know we could get sued for this?"

"As if we're not already."

Natasha sighs, turning her attention to the rest of the room. Her eyes freeze on the kid, his eyes widen as she moves closer. "Did he force you to be here?" She asks, "Say the word, and I'll get you home."

"No... no, ma'am." Peter stutters, "I mean, Natasha. He didn't force me to do anything."

"See? We're all good." Tony claps his hands, "Let's go to the jet, we have a Captain to find."

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