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455 17 80

Date: August 25, 2023
Words: 1945

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics by Olivia Rodrigo, Vampire

... I'm starting a criminal minds - Emily centric fic...

WARNING: Toxic Relationship (Melina and Alexei), Implied Past Sexual Abuse

You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard?You can't love anyone,'cause that would mean you had a heart

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You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard?
You can't love anyone,
'cause that would mean you had a heart


She waits patiently until everyone heads back toward the house. It was surprisingly easy to sneak by Antonia and listen into the interrogation, but she dismisses the thoughts, choosing to focus her attention on her eldest daughter's voice. And a small part of her can't help but be proud of Natasha, as she traps Alexei in her web of carefully chosen words.

But the emotions quickly darken as she realizes Alexei was able to access the files in her possession. Dammit – she should have sealed them. Even though he hadn't shown any interest in the information held, she should have known better and created protection codes to put in place, but she didn't. And now he has accessed files they haven't even begun reading through yet.

It's all her fault.

But Melina presses down the bubbling emotions, trying to stay focused on the task at hand. It's not the time for unnecessary feelings to get in the way. Her attention zeroes in on the man in front of her. On all the bruises and blood shining in comparison to his pale skin. The dirty chains wrapping around his torsos.

"I know you're there," Alexei croaks out, while his head hangs limply over his chest. He ignores the pain within every inch of his body, forcing his dark irises to search for the figure hiding in the shadows. "I knew you would not be able to resist me for long."

"Is that what you think this is?" Melina questions darkly, slowly stepping into the light. A chuckle slips free of her chapped lips, and the soldier in question can't help but visibly tense at the small sound. There is a darkness, a cold air surrounding her figure.

And his cocky smirk slowly begins to slip.

Melina stalks forward, ignoring the empty chair placed before him, and doesn't stop until she is directly behind his battered body and out of sight. She slowly begins to trace her fingers along his shoulders, waiting until all of his muscles tense beneath her hand, before she allows words to slip her lips.

"Do you remember the deal we made at the start of all of this?" Melina questions darkly, "You agreed to never touch them. And look at you know... I should've known you would not be able to follow through. I let you in my head..." The assassin trails off, her eyes darkening in rage, as her sharp nails dig into his skin. "But I'm never going to let that happen again."

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