x. ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇ

532 33 70

Date: May 19, 2022
Words: 1782

~ Author's Note ~

...Oh my god, what am I doing...

Lyrics belong to Billie Eilish, Everything I Wanted

Pregnancy Talk: ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy complications, etc.

I tried to screamBut my head was underwater

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I tried to scream
But my head was underwater


"Wait, Natasha!" Cho moves forward, a sudden panic spreads over her face. "We still need to talk about what this means. I need to do more tests, and there are still some things you have to know. We have to make sure nothing is wrong—"

"Нет!" Natasha snaps, "I said no!"

Oh god, she can't fucking breathe.

Her grip tightens on the door, the room spinning. She's on the break of tears, and nothing she does stops them from burning. Everything's crashing down at once, and she can't keep up. It's all too much.

First the mission in Laos. Next the Accords, the team gets split down the middle. The bombing in Vienna and James. Her fight with Steve. And now this on top of everything else.

It's all too much.

"I'll come back later." Natasha shakes her head, "I have to help them find Rogers and Barnes." She needs time to wrap her head around this, she thinks.

"We may not have time, Natasha."

The redhead pauses, her grip on the door freezing, she turns back to Cho. "What do you mean?"

"The chances of falling pregnant without fallopian tubes are low, but they're not unheard of." Cho sighs, moving closer. "The fallopian tubes carry the fertilized eggs to the uterus, but rarely, a fertilized egg can reach the uterus. Though based on your last scan, scarring around your uterus is severe." She shakes her head, "I don't understand how this happened, even if there was medical help involved the chances of this happening successfully is low."

"Okay," Natasha says slowly, sitting down in the seat beside the bed, her limbs shaking. "What does that mean? What complications?"

"Without fallopian tubes, the egg may not make it to the uterus," Cho explains carefully, "It could attach to other places, where it's not supposed to. This is called an ectopic pregnancy. Until we know more, we have to treat this seriously. The damage done to your uterus alone would make this a high-risk pregnancy. Once we add an untreated ectopic pregnancy... With an ectopic pregnancy, Natasha, you can't carry the baby to term. We would have to terminate."

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