xɪɪɪ. sᴏ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴍᴀʀᴄʜɪɴɢ ᴏɴ

508 36 134

Date: May 25, 2022
Words: 2837

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to Ice Nine Kills, Hunting Season

We'll make it right and never recoilCan't pull it off 'til we're pulling our triggers

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We'll make it right and never recoil
Can't pull it off 'til we're pulling our triggers


"Steve, I spotted Stark," Sam's warning flows through his ear, and a split second later he catches sight of the Iron Man suit. Tony's floating above him with his arm extended out, and Rhodes flying in the War Machine suit, coming in behind him.


"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport," Tony quips dryly. His helmet opens, glancing over at Rhodes. "Don't you think that's weird?"

"Definitely weird," he plays along.

"Hear me out, Tony," Steve starts slowly, "That doctor, the psychiatrist... he's behind all of this."

Tony gives him an exasperated look, but Steve catches sight of movement from the corner of his eye, glancing over he notices T'Challa. The Prince is suited up in his black vibranium catsuit, leaping over a vehicle, before landing quietly on his feet.

"Captain," he greets, standing upright.

"Your highness," Steve replies, giving a weak nod. If T'Challa is here, that means everything just became more complicated. The Prince only has a goal to bring down one person: Bucky.

"Anyway," Tony starts again, causing Steve to turn his attention back to the billionaire. He circles behind his best friend, eyeing around warily. Something doesn't feel right. "Ross gave me thirty-six hours to bring you in. That was twenty-four hours ago. Can you help a brother out?"

"You're after the wrong guy," Steve insists.

Tony's glare deepens, "Your judgment is askew," he spits out. "Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday-"

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him!" Steve tries to reason, "I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't-"


The words die on the top of his tongue, as he whips around at the sound of her voice. Everyone can feel the shift in the air. His heart pounds as he meets her gaze for the first time since their argument.

Natasha's eyes are wide and cautious.

His flicker down to her neck, and he struggles to control his breathing. He immediately notices the dark yellowish-green bruises sliding down her throat. Steve swallows deeply, knowing that Bucky was the one to hurt her.

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