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630 41 99

Date: September 12, 2022
Words: 2147

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to Mumford & Sons, Broken Crown

...I'm back at school people...

Does anyone still reads this?

Remember, I suck at fight scenes...

Well, touch my mouth and hold my tongueI'll never be your chosen one

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Well, touch my mouth and hold my tongue
I'll never be your chosen one


July 6, 2016

The tension in the helicopter is overwhelming.

Yelena stares forward determinedly, struggling to win over the urge to turn to look at her fellow companions. Though the upcoming prison and the bright snow flowing freely prove to be a distracting view, it is nothing compared to the two stubborn individuals flying with her.

The blonde would usually let out a sarcastic comment to break through the tension, but the burning gaze her sister sends her every time she moves stops her in her tracks. The older woman refuses to acknowledge the soldier in the back, stubbornly ignoring all the longing looks sent in her direction.

Natasha shivers against the emotions surging through her veins. The unwanted emotions. Anger and anxiety fighting to be released. Her head is pounding with the thoughts of Steve and Alexei clashing.

How is she going to tell Steve about the baby? Will he be happy or angry? They haven't even talked about the idea of having kids. Why would they? She had told him about the graduation ceremony. They both thought she couldn't have kids.

Then there is Alexei, her dear old dad. She hasn't seen him in twenty-one years. What is she supposed to say to the man who didn't do one fucking thing to stop the devil from taking her back to hell? I miss you?

Yeah, well, that's not fucking happening.

Natasha watches the controls closely, while the sisters glide the helicopter over the prison. She can hear the man behind her, typing away on a tablet. After Yelena had explained the plan in more detail, the blonde had told the Captain to watch the screen to tell them when the super soldier had activated the earpiece. If he can use his brain long enough to activate it, that is.

"He's activated the earpiece," Steve comments.

Would you look at this? Alexei does have brains.

"Today is your lucky day, Alexei," Natasha comments dryly.

Steve pushes himself forward, quickly passing over the tablet. She glances at the blueprint documents, bright glowing dots giving away the guard's locations.

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