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Date: April 2, 2022
Words: 494

Natasha knew it was too good to last

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Natasha knew it was too good to last.

The special bond that had been forged between them was something she had never experienced before. It wasn't a secret to the others how close they were. Hell, even a blind person would be able to tell there was something there between them. They just didn't talk about it.

They didn't bother putting a label on it.

Both of them were too afraid of the possibility that what they had would get destroyed. They were partners, through thick and thin. She trusted him to have her back, while he trusted her the same.


Their secret was a part of both of them, something that was carefully protected from the rest of the world. The whispers are spoken to each other in the dead of night, out of fear from terrors hidden in the shadows. They're driven away by the comfort each other gives as they spread their warmth underneath the sheets.

They didn't broadcast their relationship to anyone, besides, most of the team didn't even know they were involved with each other. The closeness the new team had expected from their new team leaders was not what they received. They hadn't expected them to be in sync with each other the way that they are. Every time she pulled, he would push.

They didn't see the end coming.

The war had broken the team apart, dividing them down the middle. Everyone was made to pick aside. She didn't want anyone hurt, she just wanted the team to stay together, but she has never gotten what she has wanted in life.

In the midst of battle, she overlooked the chaos that was growing. She didn't know what to do anymore. Everything was wrong. Every scenario she came up with looked wrong from every angle. She knew they needed to be put in check, and she thought the accords were the way to do it, but she was proved wrong. Steve was right, "It's run by people with agendas, and agendas change."

The accords tore the team apart. It tore them apart, and it doesn't matter how much she wants him back because they're on different sides of the war. It didn't matter about the secrets they shared or the secret they made before the war.

The secret needed to be protected, but there was no one left to protect it besides her. She didn't belong on either side of the war, and now she's alone on the run from the government. Trying to hide away and stay alive, while she tries not to focus on the pit of terror forming in her stomach.

But that's not the end of the war, to reach the end, someone will have to lose. For them to lose, they have to battle. In order for the battle to start, there must be conflict, and with conflict there is violence.

The violence started in Lagos.

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