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676 40 93

Date: June 30, 2022
Words: 2487

~ Author's Note ~

Lyrics belong to Ruelle, This is the Hunt

The last chapter and this one are very fast-paced. Natasha will eventually process everything happening, (car ride & store conversation).

I am so sorry this took so long...

I use Yandex translate

Let the chase begin...

Shadows break the darkAnd we know that it can be verifiedOur fate is beckoning

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Shadows break the dark
And we know that it can be verified
Our fate is beckoning



"There was no body left to check."

Yelena shakes her head, "You're forgetting Dreykov's daughter."

Natasha freezes, facing the blonde with an unreadable expression. Unwanted memories flood into her mind, but before she gets the chance to respond, a blast goes off from above. Both women duck for cover, as smoke flows into the room. Natasha's emerald irises burn, as they catch sight of Widows.

Oh fuck.

The smoke is flowing through the room.

Natasha presses her body against the kitchen wall, her heart pounding widely in her chest. She vaguely hears Yelena from the other side of the apartment. The young woman stuffs the red vials in her blazer, hiding behind one of the walls. The redhead meets her sister's gaze, nodding. Yelena pushes herself, flipping the switch on the light panel. Immediately, the lights start exploding one by one.

Both women run out from their hiding spots, heading for the other Widows. Natasha quickly disarms one of the younger women, the sniper gun falling to the floor out of reach. The young widow tries to reach for the weapon, but the redhead uses the opening to knee her in the stomach, before knocking her out with a blow to the head.

Yelena and Natasha struggle against the blows coming from every direction. Their skills match. Expertly, they battle their way through, finally getting the upper hand and making it out of the apartment. They run along the balcony, gunfire sounding around them. Natasha ducks, trying to cover her head, as her other arm tries to cover her stomach.

Yelena runs after her, her fingers grasping the grenade in her pocket. She rips off the tie, then throws it back at their opponents. The blonde hears the bomb activating from behind them, but struggles with the urge to look over her shoulder. She can't afford any feelings getting in the way.

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