Peaches & Clubs

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"So, had a fun night?"

I instantly turned my face to him, choking a bit, "I was at home last night..."

Levi blew a bubble with his winter mint gum and I watched as it popped. "Hmm..." he hummed under his breath, eyes turning blank.

I cleared my throat and was about to get up when he put his arm around my shoulders, making sure I stay seated, "Penelope, I'm not done talking to you."

A small troubled sigh escaped my lips and I looked into his beautiful seagreen eyes.

All I did was almost die at the hands of three maniacs and then cry all night because of the trauma and my throbbing thigh that was freaking branded.

He gave me a sad look on his angelic features that made my heart crumble, "You know you can trust me right? We've been through so much together."

He was lying through his teeth judging by the light look in his eye. Trusting someone as unpredictable as Levi was something only a very brave or very stupid person would do.

I cleared my throat, shifting uncomfortably in my spot. He was trying to get me to say something I didn't want him to know.

Levi narrowed his eyes at me when I refused to speak. He leaned in a bit with a small smile causing me to pull back into the couch some more, "Tell me what happened princess." His voice was smooth, soft, and confident.

I was surprised Levi could even tell something had happened to me. He was smarter than he let those around him believe, clearly.

"What do you mean?" I squeaked, pulling my sweater up to my mouth.

He tilted his head to the side a bit and studied me for a second, "Huh. I guess I could ask Jin."

There was no way Jin could know what took place yesterday but I couldn't put anything past him.

His pink lips curled upwards when I didn't respond, "Or I could inform Hudson that something happened to you?"

I let out a small gasp, "You wouldn't..."

The smirk dropped, his eyes narrowing, "So something did happen yesterday?"

Darn it.

I fell for his stupid schemes.

"You've resorted to intimidating her Lev? Shame," Seven commented as he sauntered into the living room, grabbing the remote from my lap and turning on the TV.

My heart stopped for a second.

...he wouldn't tell Seven anything, would he?

I couldn't tell how Levi worked.

Mirth reappeared in Levi's eyes as he pulled them away from me and got comfortable on the couch, "I would never stoop so low."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. Having Levi hold onto your dark secrets was like walking on eggshells; you never knew what he'd do to satisfy his entertainment or boredom.

Seven quirked a brow at that but said nothing as he flipped through the channels, an annoyed look suddenly prominent on his face when he didn't find anything remotely intriguing.

Levi focused his attention on the TV screen now, his thoughts elsewhere for the time being.

Commotion was suddenly heard from the foyer and all of us knew who had come in. I looked up at Jolene Cyrus who came into the room, plopping down on the other side of me. Jeez, it was like only one couch existed in this ginormous living room.

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