Peaches & BFFs

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I stayed home the next day from school, the fever starting after I had fainted for no reason other than the fact that I was exhausted. Apparently Levi and Jin had brought me back home safe and sound, according to my relieved mom.

"Penelope, I'm freaking back from school and you're still sleeping," someone announced loudly, walking into my room and standing beside my bed.

"Mhm," I mumbled uncaringly.

"Penn, get up and take a shower or something, it'll make you feel slightly better," the voice suggested even louder now.

"Mhm," I repeated my eyes still closed all the way.

"Penelope Riecher, if you don't wake up now I'll take your peach gummy stash that you not so secretly hid from everybody," the voice threatened.

That got me up.

"Wha? Who? Wha...? No!" I exclaimed shooting up from my bed with wide eyes.

"That got you up fast enough," Miley Aldaine said smirking with her arms folded.

There she was, standing in all her glory was an African-American girl with dark brown eyes and glowing dark skin complete with long straight silky black hair that stopped at her waist. Her height also surpassed mine by a good four inches.

"Miley!" I shrieked happily, giving her a huge, warm hug. She was my best friend from boarding school back in France. I had no idea why she came.

She laughed and hugged me back, "I missed you so much, you have no idea."

"Why'd you come all the way here?" I asked curisouly, the grin still stuck on my face.

She shrugged, "I wanted to see you so I just left. Duh."

That was Miley the rule breaker for you.

"Also because you were sick. Duh."

I grinned at her, my heart soaring as I looked at my best friend.

"Haze bought my two way ticket," she mentioned giddily, bouncing on her feet slightly.

"He doesn't even talk to me," I grumbled dejectedly.

"Crybaby," Miley chuckled before pulling me into another hug, "He's a busy guy, Penny."

"I don't care!"

Miley patted my back sympathetically.

"Why do you look so pretty?" I suddenly asked sadly looking at my hands when we pulled back from each other.

"What?" She asked bewildered a little.

Then she started laughing loudly.

"I forgot you say the weirdest things when you get sick," she explained laughing some more.

"Levi told me that you fainted at school," Miley said, eyes a bit worried.

I frowned folding my arms, "I was tired."

"Hope that was it," she muttered, folding her arms.

"I'm taking a nice shower," I said with a nod, yawning loudly.

"Take your time," she chuckled.

I yawned again heading to my bathroom and getting in the shower, letting the water run down my hair and body. I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body, then headed for my closet taking out a skirt and a beige sweater. I walked downstairs into the living room where I spotted Miley.

"What're you doing Miles?" I asked sleepily.

"Watching a movie," she responded, totally engrossed in it.

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