Peaches & Tattoos

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You know, I really didn't think Seven would actually take me away...

"A tattoo parlor?!" I asked for the millionth time as I stood outside of it with my jaw hanging open in shock. Why did he bring me here of all places?

"Are you making me get a tattoo?" I whispered as I looked over at him, my hazel eyes wide in horror and some excitement. Seven opened the door to the parlor with a shake of his head and motioned for me to step in, "It's for me. You choose."

I looked around the place in awe, drinking everything in. When did a person as lame (but lovely) as me ever enter places like this? Never.

I pulled on the sleeve of my shirt nervously as I spotted the big bulky guy behind the counter, talking to Seven about something. My eyes scanned a glass shelf next to me with millions of beautiful designs you could have permanently on your skin.

One small butterfly caught my eye and I didn't realize I was staring at it for so long until Seven came up to me, "You seem to like that one." I quickly took a step back from the shelf and rubbed my arm, looking away. I did like it, that was a given, but to have it on my skin?

That would be painful.

Seven's eyes studied my every movement intently, a small smile playing at the corner of his pinkish lips. He reached out and placed his thumb right under my earlobe, making a small circle, "It would suit you right here."

I held in a small gasp and let out a giggle, trapping his hand with my cheek and shoulder, "That tickles."

Seven's lips pulled upwards, eyes turning mildly affectionate, "You're too fucking cute."

I blushed, releasing his hand as I admired Hudson's best friend for the first time in ages. His raven black hair, sun kissed skin complexion, and steel grey eyes had him constantly being scrutinized by those around him. He had on a simple white muscle t shirt, black sweatpants, and black sneakers with a watch on his wrist.

"So a piercing or a tattoo?" He asked me causally as he looked around the parlor uninterestedly like he'd been here a million times before.

I blinked, "A piercing? On you?"

He gave me a look, "What's wrong with that?"

"You don't like piercings."

He shrugged nonchalantly, "I don't really want either at the moment but I have to do it."

My brows furrowed, "Why?"

"I lost a bet."

He motioned for me to get out of the parlor with him behind me. The moment the door shut he made me turn around and put his hands on my shoulders. He bent down a little so we could be at eye level, making sure I knew he was being dead serious.

"Your mom won't like-"

Seven cut me off with a dark look. He wanted me to choose right then and I was having a hard time. Why did I have to choose? I knew nothing about piercings and tattoos.

I licked my lips slowly and let my hazel eyes trail down to his neck where he already had a tattoo written in all caps but in small print. His mother almost had a heart attack when she saw that.

Seven brought his thumb right below my earlobe and gave a faint smile, "How about you get it?" Hudson and Haze would surely kill us both.

When I shook my head in opposition he brought his bright grey eyes back to mine, "Penelope-" oh man he was dead serious "-you need to learn how to loosen up a bit. Stop being so...tight."

I had no idea why his eyes looked so amused while saying that but I blushed anyways. "Why did you say it like that?" I asked as I covered my mouth and nose with my fluffy sleeve from embarrassment just because of the way he was acting.

Seven shook his head as a small smile played at his lips and stood up to his full height, taking his cap off my head and putting it on his.

"I've met twelve year olds with more knowledge than you."

I huffed at his very vague answer and turned away from him so my back was facing him, "Just get a piercing then."

"Awesome," Seven responded as he reentered the parlor, knowing I wouldn't come in to see them poking a needle into his skin.


Sorry guys I have no excuse NYAHAHAH

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