Peaches & Cream

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Updated version:
Fixed some plot holes but the main story is still the same CUZ IM A HOE-

Thanks for coming back my beloved readers, you may leave if you want I'll still love you tho eheh.


Hot tears streamed down my puffy red cheeks as I clung onto the banister for life.

Hudson Riecher's wary blue eyes assessed the problem at hand. He currently had a crying little sister who was too scared to walk outside because there was a dog barking.

...the neighbor's dog.

"The dog's on a leash you know that," Hudson stated with a slightly annoyed sigh as he went up to me and untangled my arms from the banister.

My heart started to beat faster as he led me to the front door.

"No, no! Lemme stay home today," I complained as I struggled to get away from his iron grip but obviously to no avail.

"You're not staying home because some dog is barking in our neighbor's yard," he drawled flatly as I burst into tears again.

"Shit Penny, calm down."

Some may think I'm overreacting- I mean, all may think I'm overreacting but I was really afraid of dogs. I don't know why nor do I know when it started; it just stuck with me.

"I can't! It's gonna eat me alive," I cried just as Hudson picked me up making me let out a surprised noise from the back of my throat.

"Hudson! What are you doing to her?" My currently upside down mom scolded as she rushed up to us, her morning hair an absolute mess as she wrapped a robe around her nightgown.

"Mom, she's crying over a dog barking."

Mom looked over at me, "Honey, Mr. Batavia's dog won't hurt you alright? Just go to school I promise you'll be safe."

"Safe at school? In America?" I asked with a frown. That didn't seem to add up.

Hudson chuckled at that and opened the front door, "Bye mom, see ya."

Our mom looked at us disapprovingly before rolling her eyes, blowing us a kiss, and shutting the door behind us. I was finally put on the grass making me do a full three sixty to see if the dog was after me. Nothing.

I couldn't even hear it barking anymore.


We got into Hudson's car and drove off towards Westbrook High. "So how do you like this high school?" Hudson asked nonchalantly as he merged into the right lane, popping a piece of mint gum in his mouth.

My eye twitched.

He was asking me now? It's been a whole year...

I went to an all girls boarding school in Maine, France for the majority of my school years so suddenly being transferred into a public school that was mixed kinda had its toll on me even now.

I still had trouble dealing with a few things.

"Well um, the boys scare me, the girls scare me, and the water fountain scares me," I stated simply, looking out the window as the trees whizzed by.

A group of freshmen boys pranked me so when I bent down to drink water at the fountain, it sprayed all over me except in my mouth. That happened twice. Each time I scurried away with a flushed face after being laughed at by a bunch of losers.

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