Peaches & Hudson

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Of all the people-

"You better start talking," Hudson started, leaning against my closed door with his arms folded across his chest, watching my every move with an acute eye.

Judging by his outfit which consisted of a simple black t-shirt and black jeans, I knew he was going to head out with his friends. Today was their: Let's Leave the City and do Something Barbaric day.

And little old me just put their plans on hold.

...Oh well.

I licked my lips nervously, "Okay."

I took a deep breath and let it out, "Once upon a time, a big fat fairy tried to fly into someone's house but she failed because she thought the window was open when in fact, it was closed. So she basically just slammed against the glass and fell under the rose bushes underneath, thus stabbing her to death."

Hudson gave me a blank, unimpressed look.

"Um...the thorn stabbed her in the back so uh, she died. It broke her spinal cord. Do fairies have spinal cords?" I asked then gasped, "Are fairies even human?"

"Ten seconds," Hudson warned flatly, twirling his car keys around his finger in boredom and slight irritation.

I let out a shaky breath and pulled the sleeves of my sweater over my hands, "Um, I don't know what you want me to talk about."

...I kinda did, but I couldn't possibly tell him what happened. It was too fresh and I'd cry. I don't want Hudson to see me cry! That was embarrassing.

Hudson pushed himself off the door and walked over to me a bit intimidatingly, "You know damn well what I want you to explain, Penelope."

His eyes narrowed slightly when I picked up my plushie, hugging it to my chest so it could protect me from his punches.

"I'm not gonna punch you," he muttered almost offendedly as if reading my mind.

"Uh huh you are," I mumbled, flinching a bit when his eyes hardened.

"For fuck's sake, just tell me what happened to your thigh and I'll be out of your hair," he said impatiently, watching as I sat on my bed, dangling my feet.

Uh oh, angry mode: activated!

His eyes softened a bit and he knelt down so we were at eye level, "Come on Penn, you gotta tell me what happened to your thigh. Why does it hurt?"

Was it that obvious that my thigh was hurting?

I bet peasants were working for Levi and they updated him on everything going on in my life and then Levi relayed the messages to Hudson. Conspiracy theories, my man.

"I-I..." my throat immediately tightened as I tried to relay the events that played out that day, "Someone hurt me." My eyes watered and it took everything in me to hold them in and not let them slip.

Hudson's jaw clenched, "Who?"

Was this gonna be Tulip Meeks and her minions all over again?

Oh man.

I shrugged my shoulder and hugged the plushie even tighter if possible, "I don't know..." My eyes focused on the silver necklace hanging around Hudson's neck. A gift from my father who was always too busy for us but at the same time, meant the world to us. The memories saddened me so I looked back up into his blue eyes.

I shifted a bit, my heart pounding, "Um, the lady she left me after um...hurting me a-and"

Hudson stayed composed as he watched me patiently, waiting for me to continue.

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