Peaches & Hangouts

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" you held a party knowing that Gigi's party was on the same day?" I asked in horror as Carter tried figuring out why Jolene's hair was so frizzy today.

He glanced back at me and grinned, "Yeah. I've never been so petty before in my life."

Jolene rolled her eyes, "Me and Nellen were the only people there and it was so awkward with Gigi just standing there totally embarrassed."

"So everybody went to Art's party instead?" I asked, trying not to laugh at poor Gigi.

"Yup, and then I started laughing at Gigi because the queen bee of our school just got totally humiliated and then she retaliated by trying to grab my hair and pull it but my hair doesn't even listen to me so you think it would listen to her?!" She slammed the palms of her hands on the table and stood up abruptly, causing Carter and I to jump a bit.

"Anyways, I tackled her to the ground and punched her in the face," she ended nonchalantly, sitting back down.

Carter looked at her in surprise, "You're the one that hospitalized her?"

"She got hospitalized?" I asked in surprise.

Jolene rolled her eyes, "She's being dramatic. Nellen was the one that really knocked her out."

Carter and I stared at her in silence.

Jolene then started to fume at Carter who pulled back tentatively, "YOU! Why didn't you tell us about this secret party that the whole school knew about except for us?"

Carter blinked, "I thought you two were her best friends."

Jolene smacked her forehead, "Relying on Penelope to give us information about parties?"

He nodded, "You have a point, my bad."

My eye twitched.

"Where's Nellen?" I asked curiously.

"New York again," Jolene replied.

"What's in New York?" I asked dumbly.

Jolene and Carter rolled their eyes, "Haze. She works for him, remember?"


"Hey, care to tell me why my keys are missing again?" Hudson asked, popping out of nowhere as he sat on Carter's side of the booth. How did he know we were at a restaurant?

Carter looked straight ahead, not turning to his left in the slightest.

He turned towards Jolene, opening his mouth to ask a question but Hudson was quicker. He pulled Art into a side-lock, wrapping his arm around Art's neck and squeezing it tightly till Art's face started to turn red.

"Hudson, don't kill him!" I squeaked, standing up from my seat in concern. Jolene seemed to look amused at the two boys rather than concerned.

Carter tapped on Hudson's arm causing him to release his hold slightly.

"Feel like you can talk now?" Hudson asked making Art roll his eyes in disbelief.

"You're an absolute demon. I don't have your keys," Carter responded, muttering curse words under his breath when Hudson let go.

"I'm not stupid."

"Neither am I."

"Yes you fucking are."

"Fuck you."

"You fuck you."

"At least I don't terrorize people for fun, jackass."

Hudson's eyes narrowed as he grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him in, "Keys. Now."

"How can you be so sure he has your keys?" Jolene finally piped up, causing Hudson to snap his head towards her. It's like her didn't even know we were there across from him just watching.

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