Peaches & Smarts

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Okay so Gigi Atlas was starting to hate me a lot and for no reason at all! How much could she possibly love Hudson? I looked down at my soaking wet shirt and groaned, fed up with her annoying self.

"Now I have to ask someone for a new shirt so I don't die of hypothermia," I muttered, not even bothering to look at Gigi and her laughing posse of girls and one boy: Jared Smart.

I was suddenly shoved against the locker with so much force, all the air was knocked out of my lungs. My eyes widened as I stared into Jared's dark eyes. Yay. Another bully.

Gigi and the rest of her friends watched with smug looks on their faces. The halls were unfortunately empty as it was the end of the day on a Friday so everybody hijacked the hell out of this place. They didn't even have football practice today.

"You know, I can do a lot worse than shove you against a fucking locker, Riecher," Jared growled out, his warm breath invading my poor nostrils. His lips turned up into a sadistic grin causing my heart to beat erratically. I struggled to get out of his hands that went to my throat, trying not to cry. His grip only tightened causing me to choke.

"Define worse."

Jared was suddenly yanked off of me allowing me to suck in a breath of oxygen as I watched as Levi walked up to us in all of his captivating glory. Jin already had Jared by the collar of his shirt when he slammed him against the locker across from me and kept him there, waiting for his next orders.

Gigi fumed and took a step back, "Get your hands off of Jared or I'm telling my father!"

Levi suddenly leaned in and studied my face for a bit, a low hum under his breath as he completely ignored Gigi's words by allowing Jin to stay in his position. His lusturous blonde hair framed his angelic features as he blew a few strands away, tilting his head slightly. He glanced down at my chest for a second before sighing and slanting his eyes towards the culprits snickering on the sidelines.

They caught his gaze and Gigi folded her arms protectively, "Let go of Jared and leave us alone."

He stayed silent, his unwavering eyes studying her for a moment before he removed his black coat and placed it over my shoulders in one swift motion. A small smile graced his features as he stared down at me, "No."

"No? What do you mean no?" Gigi snapped, balling her fists as she took an angry step closer.

"Take one step closer to me and see what happens, you flea."

Levi then leaned in, his nose touching mine, a mildly sinister smile gracing his pink lips, "Say the word my princess."

I swallowed hard and looked behind his shoulder to see Gigi glare right at me. Or maybe it was at Levi. I would like to believe it was at Levi so I had less things to worry about.

"What word?" I mumbled, pulling his warm coat closer to my chest as I momentarily shivered. I told them I didn't wanna be a part of their ice bucket challenge!

"The word. What do you want me to do with them?" He asked slowly like he was speaking to a baby.

I blinked. This blondie was crazy.

"Why is someone like you even speaking to the girl who ruined my life?!" Gigi screeched causing Levi to squeeze his eyes shut momentarily before reopening them and continuing to ignore her existence as he waited for me to speak.

"'s okay Levi. As much as I wish they'd never talk to me again, I don't have the heart to actually tell you to do something to them," I sighed, sniffling a little.

His eyes lit up and he clapped once, spinning around to face Jin, completely ignoring Gigi, "Brilliant! You heard her, begone."

Jin released Jared and he let out a series of coughs before Gigi grabbed him and dragged him and her posse out of the hallway in a hurry.

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