Peaches & Pies

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"Penny! Go long!" Carter called cheerily from the other side of the football field, a bright smile on his face that I could see all the way from where I was standing like a sitting duck.

My eyes widened in horror.

Could I not cross a field in peace?

I dropped my books and was about to tell Carter I couldn't catch a darn football from all the way over yonder when he launched it in the air.

It was a perfect spiral and it was heading my way.

Oh mochi balls.

I started to freak out. All the jocks were on the sidelines watching and I didn't want them to know just how much of a wimp I was so I tried to catch it.

Normally I'd just avoid it but I had my pride to protect.

...your non existent pride.

Hey! That was totally uncalled for.

I watched dumbly as it soared over me instead of in my hands. Did I have to jump...?

Oh well.

I turned just in time to see it almost hit an indifferent Levi Mikhail straight in the face but Jin caught it with one hand, his face neutral as Carter's lighthearted laugh made its way to our ears.

My eyes sparkled in admiration at Carter's throw and Jin's reflexes. Jin was as inhuman as always.

How comforting.

"That was not your ball," Carter commented matter of factly, his golden eyes gleaming against the sun's bright rays as he jogged up to us lightly.

Levi gave him a condescending look and glanced at the football in Jin's hands, his nose scrunching up in slight disgust when he saw dirt on it. "Nice catch Penelope," he remarked as he turned to me with a small disingenuous smile just before Carter suddenly slammed into him, causing both of them to hit the grass.

Uh oh...

Levi and dirt did not mix. At all.

Carter's jaw dropped and he snapped his head up towards the jocks who were the perpetrators.

Some of his teammates had rammed into him with so much force while in the middle of practice, he tripped and fell onto Levi unfortunately.

I blinked at the spot Levi was in just a few milliseconds ago and trailed my eyes over to them both on the ground. The eerily silent blondie was in the process of comprehending the situation at hand and Carter was trying to hold back another laugh at Levi's momentarily disgusted expression.

"Um..." I started, unsure of what to do.

I felt someone else's presence next to me and saw Jin. He had a calming aura that screamed authority and was always one step behind Levi Mikhail. Anywhere Levi went, Jin was there as well. My non observant self had no clue as to why that was and I never bothered to ask because Levi did a lot of abnormal things.

Jin honestly had to be the scariest of all of Hudson's friends. I mean, Seven would be just as scary if he stopped with the darn teasing. Jin rarely talked to me and only acknowledged me sometimes when necessary. His pitch black eyes seemed to have no mercy in them.

I licked my lips nervously and took a timid step back, hoping he wouldn't look at me.

Unfortunately, he detected the slight movement and slanted his eyes over to mine. I think my face visibly paled judging by the slight twitch of his lips. He stayed silent though and after a moment of staring me down for no particular reason, reverted his gaze back to Levi and Carter.

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