Peaches & Blushes

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Stalking Mode: officially activated.

I peered at Jolene who was next to my locker from the other side of the hallway, talking to some dude.

I took out my binoculars (don't ask) and zoomed in on cheeks.

Ha! She totally liked him.

"Oh Penelope, you genius," I giggled to myself, patting my heart for extra effects.

"Mhm, thats nice- ooh! Another target, goodbye Jolene!" I said quickly as I rushed over to another set of lockers, going into the same position as before.

I zoomed into Dennis and Gigi who were kissing. Wow, kissing live!

"What are you doing?"

I let out a small noise when I turned and saw Jin staring down at me, his eyes as dark as ever. My eyes immediately went to the mostly hidden tattoo of the huge Phoenix he had, its feathered tip of the wing the only visible part on the back of his neck that curled slightly towards the side of it. It went down his back but I thanked god I couldn't see it.

Tattoos freaked me out.

I put the binoculars on the floor and stepped on it with my converse, trying to hide them, "...nothing."

He raised a brow, "You're in front of my locker."

I immediately took a huge step to the side, welcoming him to open his locker by all means. He narrowed his eyes, taking a step closer to me, "You're still in front of my locker."

My lips parted speechlessly as I quickly glanced behind me. I totally just moved like two lockers away from his!

I didn't object though as I shuffled a bit farther away, now completely sure I was out of his locker's way.

Jeez, Jin was confusing.

I watched with wide eyes as he trapped me against a random locker, his nose centimeters away from mine. I held in my breath, the only thought going through my mind was:


It took everything in me to not look away from his dark orbs that seemed to pick out every flaw in me. His minty breath and perfectly proportioned features sent me into a daze, "You're still in front of my locker," he repeated slowly, his lips twitching ever so slightly when he saw my face go pale in confusion and terror.

"I-I'm sorry," I managed to choke out, my eyes focusing on the tattoo on his neck.

"Penelope, look at me."

My eyes immediately snapped to his. He very rarely said my full name which means he was serious and in teacher mode.

"Apologies will get you nowhere. You have to fight back if someone accuses you of something you didn't do," he explained, his voice low so only I could hear.

Was this all a lesson?

He usually did stuff like this ever since Hudson and dad said he'd be my trainer and it scared the living crap out of me.

He tilted his head when I didn't respond, "What would you do in this situation?"

Run away.

"I don't know," I trembled, my legs turning to jello.

He stared at me in an emotion I couldn't decipher and my legs gave out underneath me. He grabbed my arms by instinct before I could fall and held me up, "That's not good enough. Ren will kill you."

Fear shot through me at the thought of that.

I sighed and licked my lips, "Well, if the bully is a guy then I just kick him in between the legs and if it's a girl I punch her boobs. Yeah!"

Jin looked at me incredulously, "Nobody in the streets will fall for that."

"Knife! I'll use the knife Levi got me a long time ago," I chirped, a happy look on my face as I thought I'd given him the right answer.

He sighed blankly, "Knowing you, you'd forget you even had it to begin with."

I was about to respond when I hiccuped. My cheeks turned crimson when Jin's face turned from being completely serious to confusion and then slight amusement.

"Sorry," I apologized, forgetting that Jin hated it when I apologized for everything.

He held me there silently, his face still inches away from mine. I wondered what he was doing and why he had to be so close to me when I hiccuped again. Jin's lips actually curled into an amused smirk which totally caught me off guard.

"How adorable," he drawled, finally releasing his hold on my arms and stepping back a bit.

I sniffed and bit my lip to keep from hiccuping again but nooooo did my body ever listen to me? Another hiccup escaped my lips and I was this close to dying of embarrassment.

Just let me die now.

He tossed me a bottle of water and I tried catching it but failed when it hit the ground. I picked it up, glancing up at Jin who just finished rolling his eyes at my lack of coordination.

"Thanks," I mumbled, placing it to my hot lips. The cool water instantly lowered my body temperature down to a nice normal degree.

Jins gave you fevers, I swear.

I noticed he still didn't leave my vicinity and looked at him curiously. Jin also never stuck around without a purpose, he was more like Levi than he'd like to admit.

"Get changed, I'm gonna train you at the gym today," he stated causally, putting his hands in his pockets as he turned and walked away.

Oh peach juice, NOOOOOOOOOO!





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