Peaches & Trainers

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I looked up at the house, staring at my bedroom window from the backyard.

"Wow, that's some...graffiti..."I trailed off, not knowing how else to put it.

The people from last night spray painted something under my bedroom window but I had no clue what it said. I turned my head upside down to see if I could read it that way.

"Penn, it's in fuckin' Chinese," Hudson pointed out dully, giving me an annoyed look. This looked like the work of Ren, our family tormenter. No wait, Ren was psychotic and this was child's play.

It was probably Gigi and her cronies since I prevented her from kissing Hudson.

The workers came to the backyard with their paint buckets and brushes, bringing a large ladder with them. My mom and dad were behind them, talking to each other.

She looked worried and my dad just looked mad.

"Penelope, do you know who came here last night?" Dad asked, folding his arms as he came up to Hudson and I.

"No because she ran away and hid in my room-" Hudson narrowed his eyes into slits "-locking the door on me."

That's what he cared about?

"You wanted them to come in and murder me?!"

Why the heck did they do this to me in the first place?

Hudson groaned and ran a hand through his hair, "You could've caught them, genius."

Before I could retort with some lame comeback my mom clapped her hands, "Okay! That's enough you two. Hudson, how come you aren't watching your sister at school?"

"Mom, nobody bothers her at school," Hudson replied with a glare her way.

..meh. I disagree.

Nobody liked messing with Hudson or his friends but they sure as hell liked messing with me. It was pretty easy to pick on me at school because Hudson was rarely ever seen and I had a sign on my forehead that said "please pick on me" in red letters.

"Then what's that?" Mom asked, pointing up at my bedroom window.

"It's Chinese," I answered unhelpfully with a smile.

They all ignored me.

"Alright well your mother and I have come up with an idea," dad started, looking at the both of us.

Mom nodded eagerly.

"Hudson, you're going to give her defense lessons-" my dad put his hand up when Hudson opened his mouth to object "-or you can ask one of your friends to be her trainer. We'll pay them of course."

Hudson was quiet for a second, "We don't even know if this was a threat specifically against her dad."

Dad shrugged, "I know, it's just an excuse. I've always wanted Penelope to learn some cool moves from that boy Jin."

My face paled.

...I think I'm gonna die young.

Mom chuckled and nodded her head eagerly, "He's totally cool."

Hudson stared incredulously at her for a second before rolling his eyes and going back inside with me right tagging along behind him.

"Oh my god Penny, what do you want?" Hudson groaned for the millionth time that morning, squeezing his eyes shut in frustration.

I smiled, "Hi, how are you?"

His blue eyes snapped open and he shot me a sarcastic smile, "Peachy."

"...I think you're gonna kill me if you try teaching me," I concluded with a thoughtful look on my face as Hudson slammed the fridge shut.

Sheesh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

...oh wait, he didn't wake up on any side because I locked him out of his room.

Maybe that was why he was pissed.

"You don't say?"

Before I could answer he shot me a glare, "Don't talk."

My mouth shut itself.

"If dad's serious then Jin will train you and that's it," he said, pouring himself some grapefruit juice.

Jin?! Him too?

"I don't even wanna be trained! Adding Jin to it just makes it worse," I complained, slouching down on a chair.

"We all know you're lazy," he replied unhelpfully.

"Why Jin? He's the scariest," I half cried in fear.

Hudson gave me a humorless smirk, "That's what you need, shortcake. Seven is an absolute flirt who's gonna leave you flustered all the time, Levi's never dealt with real life physical violence ever, and Carter is gonna go way too easy on you. Jin's perfect."

Oh. Mochi. No.

Fear built up in my stomach at the thought of Jin training me.

"Can't you train me?" I mumbled, my cheeks puffing up in annoyance.

He shook his head with a snort, "I don't have patience with you and you're a very slow learner, no offense."

Thank you.

"But Jin is just like you."

"Jin will actually be a little bit more patient since he deals with fuckin' Levi on a daily basis," he replied, scanning my eyes as he waited for a response.

"Are you calling me Levi?" I asked in confusion.

His eyes narrowed, "No, Penny. Levi pushes people's buttons very quickly causing them to snap. Being patient with him is extremely rare."


My eyes brightened as an idea came to mind making him roll his eyes in annoyance, "Let's hire someone then."

"Nobody's as effective as Jin. Plus, dad gets what he wants," Hudson responded dully, totally done with my stupid questions.

"...I don't really think this but Ren could've done that, you have to be protected," Hudson muttered.

"It's a bit childish."

Hudson bit his lower lip in thought, "That's true. Just stop being so oblivious all the time and take these lessons."

I nodded my head in defeat, keeping quiet as he stared at me, his blue eyes on me but his mind somewhere else. He snapped out of his reverie a moment later and finished his glass of juice, leaving the kitchen.

I was doomed.

My whole life was falling apart before my very eyes.

My walls came crashing down and I finally had a mid life cris-

Shut up Penny and go do something useful with that body of yours.

I mentally glared at the voice inside my head and left the kitchen, making my way to the front yard.

I sat on the porch and looked at my pink nails, wondering if I would ever be as cool as Sailor Moon and her pink nails.


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