Peaches & Crickets

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I gulped, my face turning white as I looked up at my brother.

"Yeah?" I said in the smallest voice ever.

He gave me a sarcastic smile, tilting his head a bit to the side, "Did you give my number to some chick at school?"

I quickly shook my head, hugging my whale plushie closer to my chest as I sank deeper into the throw pillows on my bed, "N-no sir."

He folded his arms, "You sure about that?"

I nodded wordlessly.

Mom help me.

His blue eyes narrowed into slits.

I let out a squeak, pulling the plushie up to my mouth, "I swear it wasn't me."

Hudson let out an annoyed sigh and ran a hand through his dark hair, "Fuck, how many times am I gonna have to change my number?"

His eyes went back to me, this time even more serious than before, "What did Dennis do to you?"

I sighed and bit the inside of my cheek, "Nothing. He just told me that he liked pissing you off..." I didn't know if it was my place to tell him why though.

"Jackass," Hudson muttered under his breath.

"Did he seem suspicious?"

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

Hudson blinked, "Like did it seem like he worked for someone...?"


Hudson rolled his eyes, "I knew I shouldn't have asked you of all people."

He glanced down at my thigh and then flickered his eyes up to mine, "...Ready to tell me now?"

I quickly shook my head causing Hudson hold in an impatient sigh.

"Do you think Dennis works for Ren?" I asked, changing the subject slightly.

He shrugged a shoulder, "I don't know. Anybody we know could be working for him. Ren is smart that way."

"I think it's Seven!" I claimed, jumping up and pointing a finger at Hudson much to his annoyance.

"Oh for fuck's sake-"

The bedroom door opened and my dad stuck his head inside, "No swearing Hudson. It's time for dinner kids."

Hudson sent me a lethal glare for some reason as he walked out of my room. I followed behind him quietly, totally unsure what would trigger him and make him snap.

He suddenly turned around and leaned down a bit so we were at eye level, "Whatever you do, don't tell mom and dad about Ren possibly being here. We don't need them to be worried and on edge until we're one hundred percent sure he's here again."

I quickly nodded.

Ren's profile was very low ever since that fateful day years and years ago. It was like he disappeared off of the face of the earth according to my dad.

"So guys, how was school?" Dad asked at the table as mom put some salad on his plate, humming under her breath happily.

"I saw butterflies," I beamed, thinking back to last night.

Fake, tattoo ones.

Mom gasped, dropping her fork, "Butterflies?"

When I nodded she clapped her hands with a wide grin, "Yes! I'm so happy for you."

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