Peaches & Working Out

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Of course I had no choice but to oblige. I didn't want to be crucified or stabbed with multiple knives because I didn't listen to Jin.

He took me to a building in between rundown apartments and dark streets. The building was empty inside and small streams of sunlight peeked through the windows at the very top of one of the abandoned gymnasiums we'd entered.

Jin went to the storage room and brought out a yoga mat, placing it in the middle of the empty area of the room. The side of this wall was all mirror and I cringed. Was I supposed to look at myself sweat?

I never wanna sweat!

"We're gonna start you off with stretches, then warm ups, then thirty minutes of a mix between HIIT and cardio workouts before starting with the real thing," Jin explained casually, tying up his black Nike shoelaces.

My jaw dropped.

Before starting with the real thing?! How was thirty minutes of working out not the real thing?

I wanted to burst into tears at all the exercise I was gonna have to do but I sucked it all up like a man. I'm totally a man, yep. What with my non existent boobs and all.

"Um, can I have a peach before we start?" I asked instead of complaining since Jin and complaints were a no no.

Jin took his phone out of his pocket, sending me a quick glance before looking at his phone, "No. It'll make you feel sick three minutes into the warm ups."

I pouted and turned to look at myself in the mirror. I had on a work out outfit that I got from the bottom of my closet....I made Levi go to the mall with me one time so he could pick out my workout outfit and then I never used it till now. That was like years ago.

Jin just had on a black muscle shirt, black sweatpants that cuffed at his ankles, and black sneakers.


"Ow, I think I broke my leg," I announced in a last attempt to get out of this place alive.

Jin placed his phone on the chair next to him and narrowed his eyes, "Start stretching, kid."

I got down on the mat and stretched my legs, thighs, hamstrings, abdomen, arms, and neck as he told me to. He looked impressed after I was done and folded his arms, "Okay, now you're gonna warm your body up to get your heart racing a bit."

Gee if that was what a warm up meant then just put me in front of scary Jin and I'd be warmed up, heart and all.

"If you start hurting anywhere, stop and tell me, alright?" Jin stated seriously as he looked down at me. I nodded and took in a deep breath, ready to get this over with.

He showed me how to do high knees and I was already out of breath twenty seconds in.

"Don't stop, you have twenty five more seconds to go," he urged, watching as I finished all forty five seconds. I immediately plopped down on the yoga mat, breathing heavily.

"I...can'," I breathed dramatically between huge gasps of air.

I was already red in the face from all the blood circulation.

"Jumping jacks, thirty seconds," Jin commanded as he ignored me, walking to the other side of me as I groaned and stood up slowly. The jumping jacks were pretty easy, much to my surprise.

"Squats, twenty of em," he commanded five seconds after I finished the jumping jacks.

I was about to complain when he gave me a dark look.

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