Peaches & Horror

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"Hey, Penny, you need to calm down," Hudson muttered as he patted my cheek a bit to make me snap out of it.

"Did you not see the look she gave me?! She thinks I ruined the kiss you were about to give her," I groaned, slapping my forehead.

I was such an idiot.

That stupid cricket just had to come at that very moment.

Hudson grimaced at the thought, "Kiss? Where'd you get that from?"

I stopped slapping my forehead, "You weren't gonna kiss her?"

He rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch, heading the staircase, "Fuck no. I was just playing along."


I slapped my forehead again. She wouldn't care!

"Hudson, be my bodyguard till I graduate," I said with a gasp, loving my genius brain.



Well, there goes that idea.



"Can I borrow your car keys?"


Darn it. I wanted to run myself over.

"Motorcycle keys?"


"...Your kidneys?"


"Why do you hate Gigi?"


I blinked. Did that answer even make sense?


"Do I like anybody?"


He stopped at his room and opened the door, stepping inside. I was about to follow when it slammed in my face, causing my nose to sting.

"Ow! Hudson you meanie," I whined, holding my nose.

He tormented people for no reason!

I huffed when he didn't respond and walked back downstairs. I spotted Levi's shiny Aston Martin just parking in our driveway. His style was impeccable as per usual when he stepped out of his car with his sunglasses on top of his beautiful head of bright blond hair.

"Why does Levi look like royalty all the time," I huffed with a jealous grumble. I sat down on the stairs, putting a peach gummy in my mouth.

Levi definitely knew how to dress, I'll give him that. He had a turtle neck loosely tucked under black pants that were rolled up to his ankles, pristine white adidas, and a long tan overcoat that stopped mid shin.

He noticed me through the window like the creep I was and shot me a quick wink and a small delicate smile before walking towards Seven with his hands in his overcoat's pockets. Jin's eyes and ears were as alert as ever, an expressionless look on his features.

Jeez, did he ever smile?

I decided it was best if I avoided them today and went upstairs to my bedroom.

My eyes darted over to the mirror across from my bed. My eyes trailed down to the black leggings I was wearing with the fluffiest pink sweater I've ever bought with, uh, Haze's credit card.

That day was definitely a blast.

Anyways, time to do something productive!

I yawned and rubbed my nose, making my way to the living room to watch a show. Well, I mean, I was trying to when Art popped out of nowhere.

I swear these people lived here.

"Oh hey peaches, wanna join us?" He asked causally with a box of poptarts on his head and two giant bowls of popcorn under his arms.

No, run away. Run away as fast as you can.

"Um, thanks. I'm super busy um...doing busy things. Yep," I explained with a fake chuckle, hoping he'd get the gist and leave me be. I noticed he had on his gold rimmed reading glasses on that made him look so cute I almost died every time he put them on.

Levi got it for him after he saw his old pair that 'didn't suit has face' or something like that.

He blinked, a genuine smile lifting his lips upwards, "Oh okay, that's fine. Goodnight Penny."

I smiled in return, "G'night. I'm gonna go-"


My heart jumped at the sheer volume but Carter seemed to be unfazed as we both turned to see-

"How many hours of socializing did you have today?" She asked, not beating around the bush.

Oh no, not now!

"Um, I talked to Daisy and...Art?"

She glared, "You just made Daisy up. And I know you just started talking to Art just now."

Dang it.

"Um, Hudson too. He uh, complimented me...yeah."

More like slammed a door in my face.

Art raised an eyebrow at that and I pretended to not notice.

"Penelope, I don't want you to end up being a cat lady for life," she started her lecture again.

Oh good god, why now?!

My cheeks heated up. Carter was right in front of us!

"Mom, I promise I'm not lonely-"

"Go downstairs with Carter and talk till you stop thinking about gummies, " she ordered, folding her arms.

My face paled.


Oh the horror!

Art wasn't the problem, I'd gladly talk to him. It was the rest of them I was afraid of conversing with. We had absolutely nothing in common.

"But mom-"

Her blue eyes narrowed, "Not a single mochi for ten days if you don't do as told."

I gasped.

"But mom-"

"Oh my! Look at the time, I best get going. Goodnight honeys," she blew us both a kiss and let out a tinkling laugh as she walked away.

Good god.

I looked at Art who looked at me.

"Welp, seems like you changed your mind," he said with a chuckle as I bit my lip in fear, opening the basement door.

Here goes nothing.


Editing dONe

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